Ian Gover Education Technology Adviser Somerset County Council Logic and Logic Gates
Does a computer think?
2 + 2 = ?
Using Logic to search Load Google and search for One Record the number of sites that you found Now search for Direction Record the number of site you find Now search for One Direction Record the number of sites you find Which search will enable you to find the best result
Using Logic to search One AND Direction was a better search to find the information that we wanted This time try this exacl:ly One Direction –Harry Styles You should only get the websites that mention One Direction but NOT Harry Styles in their text
The Logic Gate Nightclub?
The Logic Gate Nightclub? OR
The Logic Gate Nightclub? NOT
The Logic Gate Nightclub? AND
The Logic Gate Nightclub? OR
The Logic Gate Nightclub? NOT
The AND Gate truth table Input Output
The AND Gate truth table Input Output
The AND Gate truth table Input Output
The AND Gate truth table Input Output
The AND Gate truth table Input Output
The OR Gate truth table Input Output
The OR Gate truth table Input Output
The OR Gate truth table Input Output
The OR Gate truth table Input Output
The OR Gate truth table Input Output
The NOT Gate truth table InputOutput 0 1
The NOT Gate truth table InputOutput 01 1
The NOT Gate truth table InputOutput 01 10
Adding two binary digits together Input AInput BOutput
The Half Adder
The Truth Table ABCDEFG
The Half Adder
The Truth Table ABCDEFG
The Half Adder
The Truth Table ABCDEFG
The Half Adder
The Truth Table ABCDEFG
The Half Adder
The Truth Table ABCDEFG
Does a computer think? No It is just very cleverly programmed by humans