The Foundations of Abrahamic Religions Judaism Christianity Islam
God Tells Abraham To Go To Canaan About 1738 BCE
Sarah Gives Her Handmaiden Hagar To Abraham
Abraham and Ishmael Build Ka’ba in Mecca
Sarah Has Isaac at 90 Years Old
Abraham Castes Hagar and Ishmael Out of Canaan
Hagar and Ishmael in the Wild
Abraham Builds an Altar to Sacrifice Isaac
Isaac Blesses Jacob
Jacob (Israel) Blesses His 12 Sons Reuben Simeon Levi Judah Dan Naphtali Gad Asher Issachar Zebulun Joseph Benjamin
12 Tribes of Israel Joseph’s sons got most of the north of present day Israel Judah got most of the south
Judah’s Descendent is David
David’s Descendant Was Jesus About 1 AD
Ishmael’s Descendent was Muhammad
Abraham Isaac Ishmael Judaism Judaism Christianity 33 AD Roman Catholic Eastern Orthodox Islam 622 AD Shi’ite Sunni Roman Catholic Protestant 1522 AD Anglican Cavilist Lutheran Anabaptist Methodist Puritan Mennonite Episcopal Presbyterian Amish Baptist Reformed Church