Transitional Words & Phrases
Transitional Words Special words help show how ideas are related. They tie one idea to another They tie one sentence to another They tie one paragraph to another
Addition Also Besides Furthermore In addition Moreover Again
Addition For today’s assignment, you will need your journal in addition to the calendar on your computer. For today’s assignment, you will need the calendar on your computer. In addition, your journal will provide further instructions.
Consequence Accordingly As a result Consequently Hence Otherwise So then Therefore Thus Thereupon
Consequence She was preparing to clean the desk, and subsequently realized she had no soap. She was cleaning the desk with a strong cleaner. As a result, she burned her hands with the chemicals.
Summarizing After allIn brief All in allIn short To summarizeFinally BrieflyOn the whole By and largeIn summary In any caseIn conclusion In any eventTo sum up In the final analysisIn the long run All things consideredOn balance
Summarizing The song has interesting lyrics and a great beat. On the whole, I would recommend it to everyone.
Generalizing As a rule As usual For the most part Generally speaking Ordinarily Usually Generally
Generalizing Ordinarily, a 4x4 relay race involves four people and a baton. Even though I only work 8 months out of the year, as a rule I vacation every summer.
Restatement In essence In other words Namely That is That is to say In short In brief To put it differently
Restatement Good parties require good organization. In other words, we needed different committees to oversee different activities. She likes athletic boys; to put it differently, she likes basketball players.
Contrast and Comparison ContrastRather By the same tokenConversely SimiliarlyYet InsteadBut LikewiseHowever On one handStill On the other handNevertheless On the contraryIn contrast
Contrast and Comparison Shelia forgot the food for the party. On the other hand, she hired a great speaker that entertained the crowd for hours.
Sequence At firstIn time First of allIn turn To begin withLater on In the first placeMeanwhile At the same timeNext For nowThen For the time beingSoon The next stepThe meantime LaterWhile EarlierSimultaneously AfterwardIn conclusion
Sequence To begin with, the snowy weather prevented many people from attending the party. I will be cooking the food and simultaneously cleaning the kitchen.
Illustration For example For instance For one thing
Illustration The girls were discussing the color of Susie’s prom dress. For one thing, it was too bright. For instance, I do not like seafood.
Similarity Likewise Similar Moreover Together Coupled with Correspondingly
Similarity Snow days extended this week’s lesson. Correspondingly, students had more time to finish their homework.
Direction HereAbove ThereTo the left Over thereTo the right BeyondIn the distance Nearly Opposite Under
Direction To the left, there were many people waiting for John Cena’s arrival. The crowd grew impatient waiting for Larry Fitzgerald’s arrival, while in the distance they didn’t see him coming.