A MERICANS MOVE TO THE S UBURBS Levittown Mass produced homes Low interest loans – 40 million migrated Depended on Government Help (GI Bill)
“C AR C ULTURE ” Suburban Living left people dependent on Cars Commute Shopping Drive in’s Fast Food
I NTERSTATE H IGHWAY S YSTEM Government Funded Eisenhower – ,000 Miles Boosted Travel Easier to Commute Vacation Industry State Parks Disney Land Beaches
S UNBELT M IGRATION Southern and Western States People moved for: Better climate Job opportunity New housing Air Conditioning was created Shift in Population = Shift in Political Power
E CONOMY Service Sector Grows Jobs such as healthcare, business, retail, banking Less farming and industrial workers Franchise Businesses Start Quality and sameness Large corporation sells to independent owners Businesses go Multinational Branches established abroad Brings easier access to goods in other countries
E DUCATION National and State Government Funded Schools were quickly being built to accommodate baby boom California’s tiered system Research Universities State Colleges Community Colleges
H IGHWAY S YSTEM P ROJECT Using your notes from today (and what you read yesterday) create a “Super Highway” of the 1950’s. Your road may need to ‘fork” in several directions. Include a drawing (on or next to the road) and bulleted details for each of the following: Suburbs Vacations Sunbelt Business / Economy Education ‘Car Culture’