Image Use Protocol Web Guide & Its Website North American Coordinating Council on Japanese Library Resources (NCC)
Issues in Using Images from Japan 1.Images are copyrighted, in general. 2.Which country’s copyright laws? 3.Multiple right holders 4.“Fair use” and “Quotation” 5.Lack of awareness on Japan side 6.Language problem And more…
IUP TF: Fourth Goal 1.Document the range of problems encountered by US academics. 2.Clarify the differences between publishing environments between US academic publishing and the publishing industry in Japan. 3.Organize a joint meeting with Japanese image right holders to promote mutual understanding and to solicit their advice on how to improve the process of securing permission to use Japanese images. 4.Develop a set of “Best Practices for Accessing Visual Images from Japan.”
Image Use Protocol Website
NCC home page > NCC Programs and Services > NCC Image Use Protocol
Image Use Protocol Website
IUP Web Guide
Procedures to Obtain Permission 1.Identify right holders. 2.Find contacts of the right holders. 3.Prepare bilingual permission request letters. 4.Send the letters to relevant parties. 5.Wait for their response to follow their instructions.
When Permission Is Required > Right Holders
Right Holders Categories Copyright holders Owners of objects Image owners Subjects in photographs
When Permission Is Required > Sample Cases
When Permission Is Required > Sample Cases > Detail
Sample Case 1: Scenario You want to use an illustration from a magazine that is still covered by copyright law for the cover of your scholarly publication. The publication is only owned by one library, and that library prohibits unauthorized use of its holdings.
Sample Case 1: What You Need Permissions required from: The owner of the magazine copyright The library that owns the copy you hope to use Be sure that your permission requests specify that you would like to use the illustration for a book cover.
Sample Case 2: Scenario You want to use a photograph of a sculpture for your scholarly publication. The sculpture is owned by a local municipal government of Andocho. Andocho commissioned the work by a local sculptor who retains the copyright for the work.
Sample Case 2: What You Need Permissions required from: Andocho, which owns the sculptor The sculptor who owns the copyright The artist and/or the municipal government may require that you use an official photograph of the sculpture. If you want to use your own photograph you need to make sure both parties agree.
Sample case Letter templates
A set of templates = Cover letter + Form A (+ Form B)
Permission Request Letter Templates All downloadable in Word format (= editable) Accessible from “ Permission Request Templates ” and collected under “ Permission Request Templates ”
Permission Request Templates
Request Reasons and Addressee Request reasons Addressee Copyright of object (sakuhin) Owner of object (sakuhin) Copyright of image Owner of image Subject itself Individual: author, artist, photographer, etc. ●●●○ Organization ● (1) ○● ● (2) ● Institution: museum, temple, library, etc. ○●●● Publisher ○ ●● Person/building in the picture (hishatai) taken by yourself ● ● : Frequent cases. (1) and (2) correspond to choice in the cover letter and request form to organizations. ○ : Infrequent but possible cases.
List of Letter Templates Individual (author, artist, photographer, etc.): Permission regarding image of his/her work Cover Letter, Form A Institutional holdings (museum, temple, library, etc.): Permission regarding image of a work in their collection Cover Letter, Form A, Form B Organization (local government, political party, non-profit organization, company, etc.): Permission regarding organizational image, or image owned by them Cover Letter, Form A Publisher: Permission for use of image from their publication Cover Letter, Form A, Form B Subject in the image: Permission regarding individuals, buildings in the picture Cover Letter, Form A (person as subject; building as subject) by type of addressee, document, purposes - For scholarly publication - For Website of academic institution - For promotional materials of academic institution or their events
Permission Request Templates: Summary 22 templates (as of 02/2010) Cover letters Request permission forms (Form A) Procedure information forms (Form B) Variations by addressee and use All downloadable in Word format (= editable) Accessible from “Sample Cases” and collected under “Permission Request Templates”
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