Report of the APC Chair Eric Tappert, APC Chair For EAB 15-Nov-2008 New Brunswick, NJ
Accreditation Activity l Its a busy fall… l CEAA supplied about 124 evaluators for programs at 74 Institutions. l CTAA supplied about 56 evaluators. l CEAA added 20 new evaluators this year. l CTAA added 17 new evaluators this year. l Well over 200 dedicated volunteers actively participating!!!
On-line Refresher Training l The on-line Program Evaluator Refresher training system is up and running! l It is also being used… l Both CEAA and CTAA are studying what changes to their mentoring and training procedures will be necessary. l APC is preparing to begin discussions with other societies/ABET about mechanisms that would allow non-IEEE evaluators to access the system.
New Program Specific Criteria l CTAA has proposed new program specific criteria for Computer Engineering Technology. l For EAB approval action at todays meeting. l Part of CTAAs periodic review of program specific criteria.
EAC Commissioners l EAC has altered the number of IEEE commissioners for next year. l There were 7 IEEE commissioners this year. l There will be 10 IEEE commissioners next year. l List of new appointments requires action by EAB today.
Proposed IEEE EAC Commissioners for l Commissioners l Thomas Kuckertz (I) l John Meredith (I) l Curtis Dodd (I) l Diane Rover (A) l Larry E. Kendrick (I) l Joanne Bechta-Dugan (A) l John A. Orr (A) l Franc Noel (I) l Joseph L. A. Hugh (A) l John Vian (I) l Alternates l Vance McCollough (I) l Cheryl Schrader (A) l Mani Soma (A)
Other APC Activities l Study the mix of academic, industrial, and government backgrounds in the program evaluator pools. l Objective is to either justify the current policy of a 50/50% split or recommend changes to that policy. l Standards in Engineering/Technology Education policy statement l Worked with the Standards in Education Committee. l For EAB action today.
CGAA Update l Moshe Kam…