Spring CSE 5194: Orientation Seminar Spring 2014 Bharam Khalili Class website:
CSE and the College of Engineering Fall > Fall 2014 Enrollment CoE: > 4849 total > 3051 undergraduates > 1300 Masters 473 -> 498 Doctoral CSE: 889 -> 1067 total 586 -> 660 undergraduates 208 -> 316 Masters 95 -> 91 Doctoral Spring
CSE Grad Website Where? What? Contacts and Advising Hours MS Guide Various forms Graduation checklists Announcements Course descriptions Spring
4 Other Resources Grad School Website – New & Current Students: Graduate Catalog Graduate Calendar Funding Opportunities Thesis/Dissertation Guidelines Grad School Forms and Info Lots of other useful information! we will use your UTA account (exclusively) for announcements Spring 2014
5 Personnel Graduate Secretary Camille Costabile (ERB 630) Her office is the one-stop clearinghouse for all things MS Graduate Advisors (ERB 6 th Floor) Bahram Khalili General Advising – MS & PhD In charge of S/W Eng. curriculum Mike O’Dell General Advising - MS In charge of MSCS and MSCpE curriculum Ramez Elmasri General Advising – MS & PhD Leonidas Fegaras General Advising - MS
6 CSE Degree Options MS CpE (Computer Engineering) Must have Undergraduate degree in Engineering Requires specialization is Systems/Architecture MS CS (Computer Science) Exact same degree program as MS CpE, except Systems/Architecture Specialization is not required MSFWE (Master of Software Engineering) Curriculum pre-dominantly Software Engineering *MS CS and CpE have Thesis and Non-Thesis options available Spring 2014
7 Definitions Core Courses – These are mandatory courses that all students MUST take. Major (Specialty) Track Courses – Three courses in a subject area including at least one at 6000 level. Areas: AI, Database, Systems and Architecture, Networks, Software Engineering, Graphics and Multimedia, Information Security, Theory and Algorithms, Bioinformatics. Breadth Courses – Courses outside of your major/specialty track(s)* *Courses in chosen Major/Specialty Track cannot be used for breadth
Spring Non-Thesis (Structured) Degree Option: 37 hours Orientation Seminar (5194) 2 core courses: 5311, One of {5306, 5317, or 5301} 3 breadth courses Only two may be in the same specialty area 3 courses in major area 1 (one 6000-level) 3 courses in major area 2 (one 6000-level) 1 Elective (can be in area of Major/ Specialty or outside the Department, with prior approval by advisor) Must complete graduate survey in final semester
Spring Thesis Degree Option: 31 hours Orientation Seminar (5194) 2 core courses : 5311, One of {5306, 5317, or 5301} 3 courses in Major area (one 6000-level) 2 Breadth courses The two have to be in two different areas 1 Elective (can be in area of Major or outside the Department, with prior approval by advisor) Thesis I (5398) No credit hours Thesis II (5698) Must be taken in graduating semester. 6 credit hours IMPORTANT NOTE: Thesis I is a pre-requisite for Thesis II and must be taken in a semester before Thesis II. Thesis II must be taken in the semester in which you plan to defend and graduate. Thesis I and II may be repeated as necessary.
Spring MS Software Engineering: 37 hours Orientation Seminar (5194) 5 Core courses: CSE 5311, 5324, 5325, (includes 5328 and 5329 project, or acceptable substitute) 2 Courses from: CSE 5326, 5320, 6324, 6329 5 Electives, including three from CSE
Spring Important Notes You can use at most one non-CSE course in your Degree Plan as an elective. Max 2 courses can be transferred from outside UTA (by formal request to GS) Must be from an accredited U.S. university; Grade must be ‘B’ or better Must satisfy a course requirement in your GMAP Must be approved by grad advisor There will be NO waivers for the Core course requirements, even if you completed one in your undergraduate studies
Important Notes Directed Study (5393) is not allowed under the non-thesis (structured) option. If your GPA falls under 3.0 => academic probation Must have >=3.0 next semester, else withdraw Spring
Spring Planning YOUR Courses Make sure your Program of Work is complete… it is your responsibility If in doubt, ask questions before you commit yourself to a plan Register early… get the courses you want Plan “Major” sequences for a two - three semester stretch. Thesis students - Do not wait to complete all courses before registering for Thesis I. Several “Topics” classes can be taken, if in subject matter is different It is generally not a good idea to plan to graduate in the summer if you need a “non-standard” or level course to complete your plan
Spring Managing YOUR Degree Plan CSE Graduate Students can register in (almost) any course we offer… so BEWARE Only special CSE courses require clearance (Directed/Individual Study, Thesis I, Thesis II, deficiency classes, any web course) YOUR plan is YOUR responsibility Use MyMav Degree Audit capability to view your progress (GMAP) Ask questions of the graduate advisors if in doubt about progress or applicability of a specific course
Spring Managing YOUR Degree Plan with MyMav MyMav degree audit feature Your degree plan is associated with your id# CS MS Non-Thesis, CS MS Thesis, CpE MS Non- Thesis, CpE MS Thesis, MS Software Engineering Your graduate advisor can change between Thesis and Non-Thesis MyMav uses best-fit algorithm to apply courses taken to your specified degree plan Courses that do not fit will be shown as “not- applied” Certain courses will require advisor action to apply in the correct spot
Spring Important Dates (e.g., Spring 2014) Current Student enrollment begins: November 4 th 2013 Open enrollment for all current/returning students Regular Enrollment end: January 12 th Late fees apply for course adds after this date Students may add/drop courses until January 17 th First day of classes, Late registration begins: January 13 th Late Registration ends: January 17 th Students may not add/swap courses after this date Census Day: January 29 th Official date of record for university enrollment figures/funding/etc Can only withdraw from courses without refund after this date File for graduation: January 27 th Refer to checklist for graduating semester
Spring Thesis Is it for you? Sequence and Planning Work Expectations Assistantship Obligations - GTAs and GRAs GTAs need english proficiency Switching to and from thesis program Grades
Spring Curricular Practical Training (CPT) - (Internship) Purpose: enhance your education through work experience F-1 Rules: see Current good academic standing Two semesters of graduate coursework complete Currently enrolled in an appropriate UTA course (hours cannot be used for credit – CSE 5191) Part-time CPT students (20 hours or less) must be enrolled as full- time student (9 credit-hours) CSE Rules CSE 5194 must be completed BEFORE internship 6 graduate-level courses completed (18 credit-hours) Company and specific position/assignment must directly support the student’s degree plan and be approved by CSE graduate advisor. GPA of at least 3.5 No CPT in graduating semester
Spring Curricular Practical Training (CPT) - (Internship) Procedures: 1.Ensure that you meet ALL requirements (OIE and CSE) 2.Obtain an offer letter from your employer Must be on company letterhead signed by company official Must state that it is an internship offer Must specify what the position/work assignment is and how it directly supports your degree plan Must specify dates of employment WITHIN the semester for which the offer is given (see OIE site for date ranges) Must specify whether offer is for part-time ( 20 hours/week) work 3.Complete the CPT Student application and bring the package to a CSE graduate advisor for approval 4.The advisor will enroll you in cse5191
Spring CSE 5194 Course Requirements Goal: Let the new students better know the CSE Department and Faculty Get a chance to focus on one professor’s work and expertise The CSE web page has contact information for each CSE professor This semester, we are trying a new approach: giving 4 options for the CSE 5194 course assignment
Spring CSE 5194 Assignment Options Assignment Option 1: The student will meet with a CSE professor (during the professor’s office hours) and request to do a project with that professor to fulfill the CSE 5194 requirement Friday, February 14 th The student will have two weeks after this orientation seminar to contact the professor and confirm their project(Deadline: Friday, February 14 th ) If the professor agrees, they will assign and grade the project for CSE 5194 (Pass/Fail grade) Possible assignments: read and summarize a paper, complete a small programming assignment, work on a research project, etc.
Spring CSE 5194 Assignment Options Assignment Option 2: The student will choose a recent publication (conference, workshop, or journal paper) co-authored by a CSE faculty, and get it approved by the CSE 5194 GTA your chosen paper to GTA Friday, February 14 th The student will have two weeks after this orientation seminar to choose the paper (Deadline: Friday, February 14 th ) No two students can choose the same paper Paper must be recent (after 2005) The student will read and summarize the paper and write a 5-page report, with critique of the paper
Spring CSE 5194 Assignment Options Assignment Option 3: The student will attend one of the CSE colloquia (usually on Fridays), locate the paper that was presented, and write a report on the paper and the colloquium presentation (5 pages) Friday, February 14 th At most 50 students can choose this option – to GTA (Deadline: Friday, February 14 th ), first 50 requests will be allowed. First 10 students will attend a particular colloquium.(GTA will manage it) If you choose this option, do not wait till end of semester as you need to attend the colloquium, read the presented paper and write your report
Spring CSE 5194 Assignment Options Assignment Option 4 (Group project): A group of 3 or 4 CSE 5194 students will study one of the UTA CSE professor’s work and create a Web site for the professor (has to be different from the professor’s current Web site) Two group per CSE professor are allowed. Friday, February 14 th The students will have two weeks after this orientation seminar to submit the group members and the professor they choose for creating a Web site for (Deadline: Friday, February 14 th ) info to GTA, who will check that each group chooses a different professor
Spring Assignment Completion Students will have 12 weeks to complete and submit the assignments. Monday, April 25, 2014 Upon completion of the assignment, the student must send to his/her assigned professor/GTA a report on the work done per the assignment. ( Deadline: Monday, April 25, 2014 ) For Assignment 1 and 4 professor’s can have their own deadline. The professor/GTA will evaluate the work and provide a pass/fail grade.
Dates To Remember: Choose an assignment option and the details of the team/paper/colloquium/professor’s approval: Friday, February 14 th 2014 (11:59 p.m.) Submit the reports : (Assignment 2 & 3) Friday, April 22 nd 2014 (11:59 p.m.) Spring
Spring Contact Info for CSE 5194 Instructor: Professor Bahram Khalili GTA: Sakthi Kumaran Shanmuganathan Office Hours: Mo & Th 3.30 pm to 5.00 pm Office: ERB 503 (or ERB 514) For questions, the GTA first and he will compile your questions and discuss with me