After this meeting… You will receive the “COURSE CATALOG” Please read the information carefully so that you will be ready to make an INFORMED ELECTIVE CHOICE during scheduling
What’s inside the COURSE CATALOG? Graduation Requirements Description of all courses listed by department A Sample Four-Year Plan Specific Diploma Requirements College Admission Information
Here are just a few of the electives you can take without prerequisites… Design and Drawing for Production (DDP) Child Development Keys to Success Calligraphy Foundations of Art Most Technology courses Check out the “Quick Study Guide” in the Course Catalog for a detailed list!
COURSE RECOMMENDATIONS You will be receiving a “Course Recommendation Card” Tuesday March 22 nd during Advisory The Recommendation Card contains your name and address at the top, please correct any misinformation on the card Write in your Social Studies teacher’s name and the Bell you have that class at the bottom Circle your Counselor’s name
Course Recommendations Continued … Carry the Card with you during the day and receive level recommendations for the next year’s courses from your current teachers Cards will be collected by your 10 th bell teacher If you have every-other-day courses, you may wait until Wednesday to receive a recommendation from your teacher, then return the Card to the Guidance Office
WHAT HAPPENS DURING SCHEDULING Your Social Studies class will meet in the Guidance Office starting March 31 st You will meet with your counselor to record next year’s classes and to choose electives We will meet in small groups or individually If you need more time, please let us know. We have the end of the week to meet with any of you individually
If you plan to attend BOCES as a Junior, you will need to meet a certain criterion and have a signed permission slip from a parent/guardian to enroll. Some Occupational programs may have additional costs for supplies, uniforms and/or shoes. Be sure to read all the information.
BOCES CRITERION Student must earn credit in 3 of 4 in the following courses: Eng 9, Eng 10, Global 9, Global 10, & 9 units of credit, & 85% attendance
We assume that you will successfully complete all of your current classes! If you fail any required course or Regents exam, we strongly encourage you to contact your counselor to sign up for SUMMER SCHOOL. There is no cost for this. If you fail a required Regents exam, you may have to be placed into AIS If you are placed into AIS, you may have to forfeit one or more of your electives!!
The path to GRADUATION 2013! »Make sure you are earning… »4 credits in English »4 credits in Social Studies »At least 3 credits in both Math and Science »1/2 credit in Health »2 credits of Physical Education »1 Art/Music Credit »1 LOTE Credit »3.5 Additional/Elective Credits
New York State Regents Diploma You’ll need to pass your Regents Exams with at least a 65% in… – English – Integrated Algebra – Global History – American History – Earth Science, Biology, Chemistry, or Physics
For a New York State Advanced Regents Diploma You will need at least a 65% on the following Regents exams… English 11Integrated Algebra Global HistoryAmerican History Earth Science, Chemistry, or Physics And GeometryAlgebra 2 & TrigonometryBiology Language Other Than English or 5 credits in Occ. Education, Art, or Music
What’s next? In late May or early June, you will receive a course verification sheet This is a list of courses you’ve been recommended for and the electives you’ve chosen This is NOT a schedule Please look over the sheet, contact your counselor if there are any mistakes or changes In late May or early June, you will receive a course verification sheet This is a list of courses you’ve been recommended for and the electives you’ve chosen This is NOT a schedule Please look over the sheet, contact your counselor if there are any mistakes or changes
During the summer… Every attempt will be made to give you all the courses you want If you fail any required course & do not attend summer school, you will have to repeat that course Your schedule will be mailed out around mid-August
After you receive your schedule… DO contact your counselor ASAP if there are any errors DON’T call us if you want your lunch changed call us to request a specific teacher After you receive your schedule… DO contact your counselor ASAP if there are any errors DON’T call us if you want your lunch changed call us to request a specific teacher
Reminder Make sure you register for the P.S.A.T. exam Recommended for any college bound student. The P.S.A.T. exam is an indicator test for the S.A.T. exam. You’ll receive more information in September, the test is given in early October!!!!
Questions? Thank you and please pick-up your Course Catalog as you leave the Auditorium!!