Time to Invest Note: Start on Slide 12 if you have already registered for the virtual stock exchange.
Getting Started 1) Click on 2) Read over the instructions for logging into the account. 3) Click here to log in!
Click on ‘Log in’
Register the First Time Click ‘Register’
Fill in Form 2) address: Must match the address in your spreadsheet 3) Password: Must match the password on your spreadsheet 1) Enter your first and last name. 4) Be sure to UNCHECK each of these 5) Click on Register Now
Create your profile 1) Industry: Education/Schools 2) Student 3) Title: Not Applicable 4) Company Size: Not Applicable 5) Annual income: Less than $50,000 6) Select your birth year 8) Save and Log in 7) Uncheck each of the newsletters.
It will then send a confirmation to your account. You will need to go to your and click the confirmation.
Confirmation The confirmation from ‘Dow Jones’
Click here to verify your address.
Confirm 1) Enter your address and Stock Exchange password. (Not your password.) 2) Click on ‘Submit’
No Thanks and go to homepage
Go to Log in Enter your address and password. It might take you directly to the next screen.
Click on Games Games
Join Now
WestFall2011 Click on WestHighFall2012
You’re In!!!
Time to ‘Trade Now’ (Buy Stocks) Trade Now
Making Trades Type in the stock symbol
Left click, drag and drop the stock
Pick the Number of Shares 1) Type in the number of shares from your Stocks 3 spreadsheet. 2) Submit Trades
Success! Now make trades to for the rest of your companies. Eventually your trades will show up in your portfolio.
Currently it is on Order Orders
After purchasing your six stocks You may create a second account in Virtual Stock Exchange. In the second account you can buy and as much or little as you would like and you will not need to track it. You will need to use another account You will need another tournament name. Use Last Name, then First name. I will be deleting nicknames and goofy names that show up in this tournament, so you will need to be sure to follow the naming conventions.