Biology 1060 Chapter 17 From Gene to Protein
Genetic Information Important: Fig Describe how genes control phenotype –E.g., explain dwarfism in peas Discuss “inborn errors of metabolism” –Give examples
Genetic Information continued Describe how nutritional mutants of Neurospora crassa were detected –How did the experimenters elucidate the arginine metabolic pathway Describe how and why the one gene-one protein hypothesis has been modified
Transcription and Translation Compare and contrast DNA and RNA Describe transcription and its products Describe translation and its products Compare and contrast transcription and translation in prokaryotes and eukaryotes
Genetic Code Define codon –Describe the importance of codons Discuss the template strand of DNA –Explain its importance Discuss the relationship of nucleotides and amino acids
Genetic Code continued Describe the first experiment to identify the meaning of a specific codon –Name the amino acids coded for by UUU, AAA, GGG, CCC Discuss how codons allow control of translation
Translation Discuss redundancy and ambiguity in the genetic code Discuss the importance of reading frame in translation Discuss the significance of the near universality of the genetic code Evolution Connection p. 333
Transcription Compare and contrast transcription in prokaryotes and eukaryotes Describe the three stages of transcription Discuss the factors important in RNA polymerase binding and initiation of transcription Discuss how the cell increases the efficiency of transcription to mRNA Describe termination in prokaryotes and eukaryotes
RNA Modification in Eukaryotes Describe the modifications of mRNA –Discuss their functions Differentiate between introns and exons in RNA splicing Discuss the importance of snRNPs, snRNA, and spliceosome Name the significant properties of ribozymes
Importance of Introns Describe the possible role of introns in the cell Describe the importance of alternative RNA splicing due to exon shuffling Discuss the importance of domains in proteins Scientific Inquiry p. 333
Transfer RNA Describe how tRNA participates in translation Describe how tRNA structure is formed –How is structure related to function Explain the role of aminoacyl-tRNA- synthase and wobble
Ribosomes Compare and contrast prokaryotic and eukaryotic ribosomes –Explain the medical importance of differences between them Discuss the sites of ribosomes and their contribution to translation
Translation Describe the initiation of translation Describe the elongation in translation Discuss the process of termination of translation Discuss the significance of polyribosomes
Proteins Describe how proteins are modified after translation –Explain the significance of the modifications Relate the locations of ribosomes and the sites of function of their products Discuss the functions of signal peptides and signal-recognition particle (SRP)
Gene Expression Compare and contrast –Transcription and translation In prokaryotes In eukaryotes
Mutation Describe a point mutation and possible effects Describe the types of point mutation and explain their effects Define mutagen and discuss their effects Define a gene Science, Technology, and Society p. 333