Congratulations – your SENIOR YEAR is fast approaching! COURSE CATALOGS were mailed to your home last week. Please read through the COURSE CATALOG to select the courses you want to take next year.
What’s inside the COURSE CATALOG? Graduation Requirements Description of all courses listed by department A Sample Four-Year Plan Specific Diploma Requirements College Admission Information
The path to GRADUATION »Make sure you are earning at least 22 credits: »4 credits in English »4 credits in Social Studies »At least 3 credits in both Math and Science »1/2 credit in Health »2 credits of Physical Education »1 Art/Music Credit »1 LOTE Credit »3.5 Additional/Elective Credits
Electives without prerequisites… Check out the “Quick Study Guide” in the inside front cover of the Course Catalog! Psychology & Sociology Career & Finance Management Photography Human Development 1 Design and Drawing for Production Computer Toolbox 1 Foundations of Art Most Technology courses
If you are going to be a Senior: You must pass 5 of the 6 English 9 English 10 English 11 Global 9 Global 10 American History AND have earned 15 units of credit 1.You must meet eligibility criterion. 2.You must return a signed permission form from a parent/guardian.
NEW VISION Law & Government Allied Health Specialized Careers Must complete an application, two recommendations and an interview. Law & Government Allied Health Specialized Careers Must complete an application, two recommendations and an interview. APPLICATIONS ARE DUE MARCH 13th
Courses available for COLLEGE CREDIT! Spanish 4 A/B French 4 A/B German 4 A/B Cayuga Community College Computer Applications Regents Physics CCC Chemistry Business Law Foundations for College Success World War II Onondaga Community College OCC English 12 Pre-Calculus Global Environment FREE!! Project Lead the Way Small Fee
MARCH COURSE RECOMMENDATION CARDS You will receive a “Course Recommendation Card” during first bell GSH on Tuesday, March 17 th At the top of the card, correct any name and/or address misinformation on the label At the bottom, fill in the name of your Social Studies teacher and the bell you have that class At the bottom, circle your counselor’s name
Course Recommendation Cards Continued … Take the Course Recommendation Card to each class that day. Following the instruction of your teacher, fill in the 3-digit course code number for the course you will be taking next year. Turn in your completed card to your 9 th bell teacher. AM CiTi students will pick up their cards in the Guidance Office when they return to campus. PM CiTi students need to return the card to the Guidance Office before they leave.
What’s Next? – Register for Classes You will get a copy of your Course Recommendation Card with course code numbers in GSH. Log-in to SchoolTool and then follow the simple directions to enter the course code numbers. Course numbers for electives can be found in the Course Catalog next to the course title. Make sure you are eligible to take that course. Registration is from March 16 th until March 26 th. Your counselor is available if you need assistance!
APRIL – MEETING WITH YOUR COUNSELOR Each Social Studies class will be scheduled to meet in the Guidance Office in April You will meet with your counselor to discuss and review the courses you have selected during registration. If you need more time, please let us know.
When scheduling for next school year, we assume that you will pass all of your current classes! Check your final report card in June to be sure. If you fail any required course or Regents exam, think “SUMMER SCHOOL.” It’s free & keeps you on track to graduation! If you fail a required Regents exam, you must be placed in an AIS class until you pass the exam. AIS classes take priority over electives. Remember these basics…
JUNE - After Scheduling… View your course verification sheet in SchoolTool with your parents/guardians. This is a list of courses for which you have been recommended, plus the electives you’ve chosen. Remember, it is NOT a schedule, just a list. Please review the list for accuracy, and contact your counselor if there are any mistakes or changes.
JULY/AUGUST Every attempt will be made to give you all the courses you want. If you fail any required course & do not attend summer school, you will have to repeat that course. If you fail any required exam & do not retake it in August, you will have AIS
August – Schedules Mailed Home Contact your counselor ASAP if there are any errors or conflicts. cannot Keep in mind, lunch changes and teacher requests cannot be accommodated.
If college is in your future, make sure to register for the SAT and ACT college entrance exams. May 2 nd SAT -DEADLINE to register is April 6 th June 6 th SAT -DEADLINE to register is May 8 th June 13 th ACT -DEADLINE to register is May 8 th If college is in your future, make sure to register for the SAT and ACT college entrance exams. May 2 nd SAT -DEADLINE to register is April 6 th June 6 th SAT -DEADLINE to register is May 8 th June 13 th ACT -DEADLINE to register is May 8 th Friendly Reminders…
Take a prep course at Cayuga Community College for a fee AND/OR Log on to Castle Learning and go to Method Test Prep for free AND/OR Check out the SAT and ACT websites STUDY FOR COLLEGE ENTRANCE EXAMS
National College Fair - SRC Arena, OCC Thursday, March 12 9AM-12PM, 5-8PM Colleges from 28 States and Abroad College Night at SUNY Oswego Monday, April 27th 6-8PM SUNY Oswego Campus Center 50 New York State colleges will be represented 2 sessions regarding the college application process will be conducted at 6:15PM and 7:15PM COLLEGE FAIRS
Questions? Thank you and please look through your course catalog!