U.S. Dept. Agriculture Agricultural Research Service Rob Griesbach Technology Transfer Coordinator
~2300 Permanent Full-Time Scientists ~100 Locations
ARS National Research Programs Nutrition, Food Safety & Quality Animal Production & Protection Crop Production & Protection Natural Resources & Sustainable Agricultural Systems
Bioinformatics DNA sequence analysis Genome annotation Mutation analysis Gene expression analysis Protein structure/interaction prediction Comparative genomics Biodiversity measurements Computational evolutionary biology Biological systems modeling
Plant & Microbial Genetic Resource Management Conserve genetic diversity Develop molecular tools to maximize diversity in conserved populations Develop comprehensive germplasm database- GRIN (Germplasm Resources Information Network)
Develop software & tools to interconnect multiple germplasm data sets Develop easy-to-use public interfaces Plant Genome Database Stewardship & Informatics Tool Development
Develop genetic maps, libraries, & markers Develop analytic tools for complex genomes (polyploidy, hybrids, etc.) Structural Comparison & Analysis of Crop Genomes
Identify genes controlling key traits Develop new mapping strategies Map populations for allele identification Genetic Analyses & Mapping of Important Traits in Plants
Describe function of key genes Identify genetic networks associated with key traits Advancing From Model Plants to Crop Plants
Discover, detect & identify new diseases & pathogens Develop systems to understand pathogen diversity to predict pathogenicity Detection, Identification, Characterization & Classification of Pathogens
Identify genes for key traits Expand genomic information on function & regulation of gene expression Determine changes in gene expression during development Applying Genomics to Crop Improvement
Preserve & Curate Animal Genetic Resources Conserve genetic diversity Develop molecular tools to maximize diversity in conserved populations Develop comprehensive germplasm database- GRIN (Germplasm Resources Information Network)
Develop maps of chicken, bovine, porcine, catfish, rainbow trout, oysters, & salmon Develop libraries & tools for gene expression in tissues, during development & across environments Develop Animal Genome-Enabling Tools & Reagents
Identify genes for nutrient utilization, health, reproduction, stress resistance, & product quality Develop molecular diagnostics for genetic evaluation & improvement systems Identify Functional Genes & Their Interactions in Animals
Identify diversity associated with host response to bacterial infection Identify viral genes responsible for pathogenesis Develop new biotherapeutic platforms Genetic & Biological Determinants of Disease Susceptibility
Develop genetic prediction tools & methods for key traits Develop tools & methods for utilizing molecular data in evaluation & prediction programs Develop & Implement Animal Genome- Enabled Genetic Improvement Programs
Determine in cell, animal models, & human feeding studies how nutrition & physical activity reduce the risk of disease Determine bioavailability of nutrients & factors that modulate their levels Identify Roles of Food, Nutrients, Food Components, & Physical Activity in Promoting Health & Preventing Disease
Define the Nutritional Bases for & Consequences of Nutritional Programming Determine how nutrition & health affect development & regulation of organ structure & function Determine critical periods of development during which targeted nutritional & physical activity interventions are most likely to have long-term health benefits
Understand Mechanisms by which Nutrition Promotes Healthy Development & Function from Conception to Old Age Develop tools & models to investigate changes in physiology through life Determine the impact of nutrition & health on age-specific physiological changes
Improve the Scientific Basis for Updating National Dietary Standards & Guidelines Determine genetic basis for inter-individual variation in nutrient requirements Develop biomarkers for dietary exposure & health
Cooperative Research & Development Agreements 55 new 207 active Trust Fund Agreements 1,259 new 4,084 active Patents 107 applications filed 35 patents issued Licenses 25 new 339 active
BARC MD Partners 75 Researchers 134 Active agreements ($12M) with companies & institutions
Patenting 8 registered patent agents Located in MD, IL, CA Licensing 4 senior licensing specialists HQ based Tech Transfer Coordinators 7 specialists with life science / ag background Distributed across Areas Marketing Targeted marketing Web subscribe Tech Alerts Partnering opportunities Centralized in policy and approvals, licensing, marketing Decentralized in negotiation and implementation of CRADAs Office of Technology Transfer
David Nicholson - PWA Bryan Kaphammer - NPA / SPA Renee Wagner - MWA Vic Chavez- NAA Thomas Valco- Cotton Technology Don Nordlund- SAA / MSA Rob Griesbach - BA