This title is for centering. This title is for centering. This title is for centering. This title is for centering.
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Long live our Alcibiades, let the Nile rejoice this day. Every shore smiles for him, every sorrow has vanished.
Now let the Egyptian land grant its palms of victory to the victor.
Curio, Caesar came, saw, and conquered. Pompeo, defeated, appeals to the King of Egypt in vain to reinforce his troops.
My Lord, you came just in time to prevent any plots. But who is coming towards us?
- This is Cornelia. - Oh, fate! The high-born consort of our enemy Pompeo? Caesar, I once pledged myself to her.
My Lord, Rome is already yours. The gods have shared the realm with you today.
It is their wish that in the burden of the great orb, Jove should rule the heavens and Caesar the world.
- What do you ask of Caesar, high-born daughter of the great Scipios? - Lay down your arms.
Donate your lance to the temple, let your troops rest, and let your right hand be idle.
The virtue of the great is to forgive offenses. Let Pompeo come. Let him embrace Caesar.
And let the fires of Mars remain extinguished. Let the conquered be the conqueror of the conqueror.
Tolomeo offers you his palace as a lodging for your repose, lofty hero. And as a gift, as much as a tributary throne may offer.
That which the royal soul of Tolomeo offers pleases Caesar.
So that Italy may learn to adore you, as pledge of his faith and amity, he offers the proud head of the great Pompeo as a base to your throne.
- Julius, what do you see? - Oh God, what do I see? - Alas! Consort! My treasure! - Such audacity!
Tolomeo, you barbaric traitor! I faint, I am dying…
Curio, go, give aid to the languishing Cornelia.
What's this? Stars! My lovely sun, so pale?
(That is Cornelia? What beauty! What a face!)
Father! Pompeo! My mother! Oh, God!
- Let such a noble skull be kept as a lofty urn for his worthy ashes. - Oh, Gods!
And you, disappear. Go! Tell your master that the deeds of kings, be they for good or evil, are always an example.
- A man cannot be called King if he is a traitor and a wicked man. - Caesar, restrain your anger…
Go! I shall come to the palace before the sun sets today.
Wicked I shall name you. Get thee from my sight, you're naught but cruelty.
The heart of a King does not give itself to severity, when it has no pity in its depths.
Wicked I shall name you. Get thee from my sight, you're naught but cruelty.