Cover Letters Purpose is to get employers to read your resume Can be addressed to an individual or to an organization Sometimes called an “introductory letter” or “letter of application” Usually 2-3 typed paragraphs Convince a potential employer to consider hiring you State that you wish to be considered as an applicant for a specific position Briefly point how your educations and or experience could help you perform the job Mention that you have enclosed your resume and that you would like an interview at the convenience of the employer
Cover Letters (cont.) Well written cover letter should serve to: Direct the reader’s attention to your strong points and away from your weaknesses Show how you know the employer’s business and the horse industry in general Spotlight the facts found in your resume Begin by planning your cover letter before you ever write anything Read your resume and select at least 3 points about your abilities, work experience, and achievements to incorporate into your letter Is the skill or quality essential to the job I am seeking? Can I use numbers or facts to support my claims? Does the example illustrate what I can contribute to a prospective employer?
Parts to a Cover Letter Introduction Explain in this portion of the letter that you are interested in the farm, stable, or organization or that you saw an advertisement. Seize attention by telling a prospective employer exactly what you want. Body This portion of the letter will determine whether a prospective employer will be interested in reading your resume and granting you an interview Do not be afraid to tell the employer of your qualifications Use facts and numbers to back up your claims Use action words, and be brief and specific Show that you are qualified to handle the job by listing a few of the skills needed to do the job Closing Close the letter by aiming for an interview with the reader You may utilize the common indirect close line “I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.” End your letter as positively as you opened it Close with a “thank you for considering me” sentence
Broadcast Letter Purpose is to announce to a large audience that you are available for employment A mass mailing campaign to hundreds of prospective employers will force you to form a letter; but in doing so, you must avoid general statements like “to whom it may concern” Your success will be better if you can target your direct mail campaign, so you should design your letter so it appears that it was targeted for a single person as opposed to a large audience
Broadcast Letter Formatting Introduction Opening paragraph of the broadcast letter is essential in making your letter appear as personalized as possible Focus on your job objective by incorporating your area of interest and the latest developments with the horse industry, and then state your qualifications Example: As the prices of thoroughbred yearlings increase every year, the role of the thoroughbred manager is becoming more and more challenging. Breeding efficiency, in particular, has become a vital function, and this is an area in which I possess a great deal of expertise. Body and Closing The remainder of the broadcast letter should be the same as that of the cover letter
Follow-Up (Thank-You) Letter Contains the following parts: Reminder – Remind the interviewer that you were interviewed for the position and that you are very interested Job Pitch – Refer to the specific points you discussed during the interview. Build upon the impression you created during the interview. Closing – Thank you interviewer for his or her time and restate your interest in and qualifications for the position
Letter of Acceptance The following should be included: 1. Title and position offered 2. Name of your new employer 3. Date on which you will start your employment 4. Agreed salary (annually, monthly, or weekly) 5. Bonuses 6. Medical benefits 7. Vacation 8. Other benefits (example: car, house, and expense amount)
Letter Resignation Used to tell your present employer when you will be leaving, that you will help train anyone else in the meantime, and to convey the thought that you feel your experience under his or her direction has been most beneficial, regardless of how you really feel. Never burn your bridges behind you!