SUNY Office for Capital Facilities Facilities (Capital) Committee Presentation Community College Business Officers Association November
Capital Budget History/Submission and Outcome SFY 13/14 14/15 Submission and Statewide long-range perspective Funding Options outside Annual Capital Request Other Capital Issues Forms and Procedures Overview/Refresher Reimbursement Submissions Other Program Updates Topics 2
Capital Budget Request: History 3
Data Requests NY Division of the Budget developed a Statewide Capital Project Database for 12/13 & 13/14 SUNY requested 5 year of projects for the first time using green/yellow/red for probability NY Works Task Force requested a 10 year capital plan including projected commitments Last Year’s Capital Budget Request – FY 13/14 4
Grant Opportunities Regional Economic Councils were in play Jamestown, Monroe, Broome, Mohawk Valley workforce training grants and Capital projects for Ulster and Herkimer for total of $4.26M although Herkimer has since been cancelled. SUNY 2020 Round II opened to CCs: $15M/each Alfred, Broome, Corning, Jamestown – Retooling the Southern Tier ESF, Upstate, Oswego, Onondaga – SUNY Institute of Environmental Health and Environmental Medicine SUNY IT, Morrisville, Orange, Rockland, Westchester and potentially Dutchess, Herkimer, Mohawk Valley, Ulster – SUNY Manufacturing Alliance for Research & Technology Transfer Last Year’s Capital Budget Request – FY 13/14 (cont.) 5
SUNY Capital budget was disappointing Community Colleges - only critical maintenance projects were provided state appropriation OTHER PROGRAMS: Ed program was provided with minimal additional appropriation Hospitals received no appropriation Res Halls received no appropriation but were removed from the overall State budget cap Capital Budget 13/14 Results 6
What is required for this year’s request? Division of the Budget Database has been updated SUNY needed more project level detail data to develop the formal request Together SUNY uses the data to tell the story Focus on 1-year ask and 5/10-year projections SUNY awaiting final Sponsor resolutions for 1- year ask: 12/15 DOB deadline to be considered for inclusion Capital Budget 14/15 Request 7
1-Year Ask: $91M State (may be reduced if outstanding resolutions not received) 5-Year Projection: $574M State 10-Year Projection: $971M State (CC submissions plus enhanced CM analysis) It is not clear if the DOB will fully fund all 14/15 projects Capital Budget Request 14/15 Ask 8
14-15 Capital Project Functional Types November 20139
14-15 Capital Project Types November
Buckets by Types: Capital type: Building Stabilization, Infrastructure Stabilization, Life Safety, Major Rehab/New, Public- Private Partnerships Use: Administration, Instructional, Library, Student Life, Student Life/Services, Support Services NY Works: State of Good Repair, Capacity Optimization, Transformational Initiatives Capital Budget Request 14/15 Ask 11
SUNY Enhanced Capital Request using 2009 Reinvestment (AKA Bldg. Condition Assess) Study Previously done by consultants/Pacific Partners (now Sightlines) SUNY looking into cost for next 5-year study: 2014 Enhances capital request to DOB to reflect needs and continuing value of State investment Assists Colleges in obtaining Sponsor support for critical investment Future Assessment of Capital Need 12
2013 Capital Funding: $150M Expected awards announcement in December Top Performers required to demonstrate: Implementation of the Strategic Plans Encouraging econ. growth through jobs/ investment ID transformative projects supporting collaboration (e.g. leveraging computing assets to est. research partnerships 2014 Expected but not yet announced State Capital Outside of Annual Request Regional Economic Development Council (RECD) 13
Currently available on website: General Overview 2013 Presentation: Regional Priorities 2013 Guidebook: Regions, Leadership, Past Awards 2013 Consolidated Funding Application (CFA) Manual: Registering-Grant Application Process, REDC Review Process, FAQs REDC Emphasis: Creating/Retaining/Filling Jobsand Preparing Workforce Foster a Culture of Entrepreneurship Builds Upon Strengths Regional Impact/Improves Region’s Image State Capital Outside of Annual Request REDC (cont.) 14
Round I: 4 University Centers Round II: $60M, Broome, Corning, Jamestown, Onondaga, several mid-Hudson CCs Round III: $55M Information distributed September 28 Application Deadline: December 2 State Capital Outside of Annual Request SUNY 2020 Grant Program 15
Other Capital Issues: Forms/Procedures Refresher November Program Forms/Process Project Initiation Form Finance Application Annual Private Use Survey Annual Certification of Tuition and Dues Other forms as needed, i.e. Real Property Action Form, Reimbursement forms, etc.
Project Initiation Form November Multiple Uses: Original Capital Appropriation Request SUNY Budget Approval Project Budget Revisions The most up-to-date forms can always be found on SUNY OCF website:
Approval Memo November
11/ Financing Application
11/ Financing Application (cont)
Program Financing: Reimbursement Forms/Process 22 Cover Letter* Excel Detail Sheet* Certification Form Invoice Copies * Copies should be sent to SUNY (Rebecca)
Annual Private Use Survey Annual Certification of Tuition and Fees Real Property Approval Forms In-Kind Donation Acknowledgment Forms Others Other Forms 23
Program Balance (at 9/30/2013): $42.5M: (PIT, Sales Tax) 2013 Sale: $112.6M (July: $44M; October: $68.6M) OCF uses project information BUDGETS AND SCHEDULES to estimate bonding levels SUNY must manage to the State Financial Plan Other Program Updates: Current Program Funding 24
Review Active Projects and Schedules: Provides basis for cash flow models/projections Factors in DASNY’s ability to reimburse claims Closed projects allow for lower annual re-appropriation request which factors in overall Capital Budget Requests Program Bonding: Ongoing Actions 25
Submit Timely Reimbursement Requests: DASNY: Bonded, SUNY: Hard Dollar Assists SUNY in refining cash flow models given program specific process: Work conducted Bills paid in full Reimbursement for State 50% share requested Ensures continued cash on hand, advance notice of bonding needs and accurate reporting to the DOB You get paid!!! Program Bonding: Ongoing Actions (cont.) 26
Bond Counsel uses survey information as part of due diligence when: Determining if new capital projects can be funded using PIT or taxable bond proceeds and Information is needed relative to bond refunding 2013 Surveys just distributed: 12/5 due date 2012 info included - Colleges should review last year’s submission, make any corrections and update with any new private use information Program Private Use Surveys 27
SUNY is here to help!! 28