NON-CREDIT STUDENTS IN COLLEAGUE Connie Black, College of Western Idaho Sara Matson, Dynamic Campus Friday, July 31, 2015 Enrollment & Student Services Coeur d’Alene, Idaho
SESSION RULES OF ETIQUETTE Please turn off you cell phone/pager If you must leave the session early, please do so as discreetly as possible Please avoid side conversation during the session Thank you for your cooperation! Coeur d’Alene, Idaho
INTRODUCTION Purpose of this session This session describes how College of Western Idaho (CWI)migrated non- credit students into Colleague and shows how to bring teams together for a successful outcome Benefits of attending this session Consider the feasibility of merging credit and non-credit operations into one ERP Learn how CWI made this happen in 11 months Understand how Instant Enrollment can be customized See the structure of an effective, cross-functional project team Coeur d’Alene, Idaho
SESSION AGENDA 1. About CWI 2. History of Workforce Development at CWI 3. Identifying the Problems 4. Defining a Project 5. Project Tasks 6. Project Timeline 7. Looking Back Coeur d’Alene, Idaho
ABOUT CWI Who we are, demographics Coeur d’Alene, Idaho
WHO WE ARE Comprehensive community college in Western Idaho Community college district created by voters in 2007 First students in January 2009 Inherited professional technical programs and workforce development from Boise State in July 2009 Two campus locations One Stop Student Services model Accreditation partnership with College of Southern Idaho (CSI) Coeur d’Alene, Idaho
HISTORY OF WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT AT CWI Processing non-credit students in AceWare: Systems and Staff Coeur d’Alene, Idaho
HISTORY: SYSTEMS Credit students processed in Colleague Non-credit students in Workforce Development programs processed in Aceware Records transferred from Boise State University Initial implementation of Instant Enrollment in 2009 for community education courses Coeur d’Alene, Idaho
HISTORY: STAFF Separate staff Workforce Development had its own staff to maintain Aceware, develop reports, create courses, register students, monitor student accounts, etc. Staff knowledge Workforce Development staff held a deep historical knowledge and understanding of non-credit programs and processes Coeur d’Alene, Idaho
IDENTIFYING THE PROBLEMS Integrating credit and non-credit students, programs, and staff Coeur d’Alene, Idaho
WHAT DID WE NEED TO SOLVE? Better service to students Approx. 50% of the student population takes non-credit courses General communication and services available to all CWI students Emergency alerts Better use of systems Complications of two systems IT had to support two systems One Stop staff had to understand two systems Dual entry of cash receipts, separate bank deposits Lack of reporting Better integration of staff Physically separated, processes not integrated, duplication of efforts Coeur d’Alene, Idaho
DEFINING A PROJECT Team members, roles Coeur d’Alene, Idaho
DEFINING A PROJECT Created a SharePoint project site Share documents, resources, links Team Members included representation from: Admissions Information Technology Marketing Registrar’s Office Student Financial Services Workforce Development Coeur d’Alene, Idaho
Roles Definition for WD Processes within Colleague Process AreaWDRegistrar Academic Records Setup and Maintenance – academic levels, academic terms, grade schemes/codes, repeat codes, etc. Curriculum Management Create/maintain course section (class) information Create/maintain waitlist info Add new faculty to FCTY Cancel course sections Setup and Maintenance – courses, non-courses, tests, degrees, certificates, programs, catalogs, degree audit, etc. Registration and Records (Student Level/Transactional) Process applications Process registrations – web, RGN, block Monitor waitlists Course section changes Access class rosters Grade course sections Maintain student demographic information Enter tests and non-courses Maintain and process student communications Produce course credentials Student level reporting Instant Enrollment web parameters Document imaging for student files Registration controls Registration user groups Official transcripts myCWI web parameters Process AreaWDStudent Financial Services Section Billing Section level billing Course level billing Cashiering No cashiering access All transactions processed through One Stop Sponsorship, Payment Plans, Collections No processing Process Sponsorships, Payment Plans, Collections
PROJECT TASKS Colleague setup, customizations to Instant Enrollment Coeur d’Alene, Idaho
COLLEAGUE SETUP Academic Records, Curriculum Management, Communications Management, Accounts Receivable Record Setup Workbook Coeur d’Alene, Idaho FieldSetup onColleague FormNew Code in Production? Academic LevelACLVCRSEmodify XC, CWDYes Academic ProgramPROGn/aWDxxxYes Alternate ID VAL- ALT.ID.TYPESDADD ACEW, WDAPP, WDJNY, WDAWMYes Application StatusAPSMAPPNNA- Not acceptedNo AR CodesARCFSECBWDxxx, see AR Code tabYes AR ruleRLDE/REBPREBPRule ARWDYes BuildingsBLDGsee Buildings TabYes CatalogCTLGPROGWDYes
INSTANT ENROLLMENT SETUP Improve searching capabilities Improve readability Enhance the student’s registration experience A smooth transition from Aceweb existing functionality Coeur d’Alene, Idaho
Improve searching capabilities Link from external
Improve searching capabilities Reorganize layout Add Program search (subject code) Enhance Course Title search
Improve readability Reorganize columns Add/Remove columns Course Number and Title separated Modify Capacity/Available Seats
Improve readability Remove boxes Align row titles
Improve readability Remove boxes Modify drop down Add additional instructions
PROJECT TIMELINE Phases, milestones Coeur d’Alene, Idaho
PROJECT TIMELINE Phase 1 (5 months) Discovery CORE training Colleague setup/training- Academic Records, Curriculum, AR, Billing, Registration Phase 2 (2.5 months) Colleague setup/training- Communications Management Instant Enrollment setup and testing Coeur d’Alene, Idaho
PROJECT TIMELINE Phase 3 (1.5 months) User Testing/Mock Registrations Develop Training Materials Student Feedback Session Training Reporting Phase 4 (2 months) Business Process Documentation One Stop Mock Registration Final Testing/Verification Coeur d’Alene, Idaho
LOOKING BACK What we gained, what we learned Coeur d’Alene, Idaho
LOOKING BACK What we gained Enhanced student experience Personal and professional relationships Evaluating how the system was setup for credit students, making improvements Reporting capabilities on our entire student population Improved staff efficiencies and broader knowledge of non-credit across CWI Coeur d’Alene, Idaho
LOOKING BACK What we learned: We did not anticipate how many of our credit students were ALSO taking non-credit courses! You can never test enough, create scenarios way outside the box Buy-in is needed from all departments on campus, no one was left un-affected by this integration Utilize team members at all levels – they are often eager for the challenge A seemingly impossible task can be achieved Coeur d’Alene, Idaho
SESSION SUMMARY A successful project made possible by: Executive sponsorship Cross-functional project team Early agreement and acceptance of team member roles Involvement and dedication of project team and extended team members/testers Clear tasks and deadlines Coeur d’Alene, Idaho
QUESTIONS & ANSWERS Coeur d’Alene, Idaho
THANK YOU! Connie Black, Sara Matson, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho