IEEE Educational Activities Services & Resources for Sections and Chapters Membership Development Retreat 29 April 2005
EABs mandate l IEEE Constitution: l ARTICLE I - NAME, PURPOSE AND TERRITORY l Sec. 2. Its purposes are: (a) scientific and educational…It shall endeavor to promote understanding of the influence of…technology on the public welfare. l By Laws l The EAB shall be the IEEE interface in education-related matters with external bodies
EABs duties l Broad planning of educational activities of the IEEE l Development and delivery of continuing education products and activities l Development of guidelines for the IEEE representatives to accreditation bodies l Monitoring of accreditation activities l Coordination of pre-college programs l Representation of the IEEE in matters regarding engineering education
EAB l 14 members l Main portfolios: l Accreditation (US and non-US) l Pre-College Education l Public Awareness of Engineering l Continued Education (including XELL) l Education about Standards l Educational requirements for admission l Section and Society Outreach l Internal affairs: strategic planning, N&A
Educational Activities Resources for Sections and Chapters l Accreditation l In the US through ABET l Outside the US through assistance to Regions and local Sections l Continuing Professional Education l E.g., CEUs l Pre-College (Pre-university) Education l A large-scale program in the process of expansion l Education about Standards (new)
Accreditation in the US How to get involved l Encourage members to volunteer as Program Evaluators l Help accrediting Engineering and Engineering Technology programs at U.S. colleges l Host a meeting to present information about accreditation and the role of IEEE program evaluators. (IEEE and Accreditation presentation available – see below)
Accreditation outside the US How to get involved l Sponsor a workshop in coordination with IEEE EAB CGAA (Committee on Global Accreditation Activities l Acquaint local members, government officials, university leaders, and industry executives with accreditation systems l Become involved in improving accreditation in your country through IEEE l Coordinate with EAB efforts to establish new accreditation bodies where at present they do not exist
Accreditation Resources: l IEEE EAB Accreditation Overview l Accreditation and IEEE Presentation l Information about Program Evaluators l To volunteer to be a Program Evaluator l International Accreditation
Continuing Professional Education How to get involved SECTION/CHAPTER EDUCATION PROGRAMS l Develop and deliver training in the form of workshops and tutorials l Contact EAB for assistance in locating lecturers and trainers and in starting new programs and activities l Use EAB Reference Guide for Instructional Design and Development l Incorporate IEEE CEUs into your program l Contact EAB to coordinate provision of CEUs to program participants continued
Society Education Programs l Develop training programs for Chapter officers l Best if delivered in key conferences to which a chapter chair is invited every 3 years l Coordinate Chapter activities with EAB l We need to collect and disseminate best practices l We may be able to assist with trainers/lecturers l Offer IEEE CEUs
Continuing Professional Education Coming Soon l On-line learning modules l 1 hour each l Voice over animated graphics l Based on best IEEE Conference Tutorials l Highly engaging/interactive l CEUs available for completion l Can be used for Section C.E. Activities l Generally available early-mid 2006 XELL
Continuing Professional Education Resources: l IEEE CEUs l Reference Guide for Instructional Design and Development l Continuing Education Resource Guide - Online and paper guide helps organize short courses / tutorials / workshops l XELL
Pre-College Education How to get involved TEACHER IN-SERVICE PROGRAM l Encourage member participation in TISP l to develop and present technologically oriented subject matter to local pre-college educators in an in-service or professional development setting. Ask members to share their experiences related to their Pre-college outreach efforts
FIRST Robotic competition l Organize a FIRST team in your community l to be sponsored by a local corporation l Serve as a judge at one of the regional FIRST competitions l Become a member of a local FIRST team
EAB Pre-College Educator Award l For pre-college classroom teachers who… l have inspired an appreciation and understanding of mathematics, science and technology and the engineering process in students l have encouraged students to pursue technical careers l Teachers nominated by a Section, Chapter, or Affinity Group l Discuss with your members if there are any local teachers that should be nominated for this award.
Career Fairs/Career Days/Science Fairs l Encourage members to do outreach to local schools through these events
VINNY award (IEEE/NASA) l Encourage members to volunteer to be judges for the competition l Spring, annually l Encourage members to Mentor Student Teams l both English and Spanish speakers are needed l Promote participation in future competitions.
IEEE Presidents Scholarship l Presented at the annual Intel International Science and Engineering Fair l Largest single award by an organization l This competition moves annually l the local Section provides judges, promotion, and outreach l Promote student participation in this event
Pre-College Education l Central portal for activities of many engineering societies (global) – not just IEEE l Launching Our Childrens Path to Engineering l l On-line resources for school counselors l Topical maps of engineering schools Coming Soon! The Engineering Center for Pre-College Education
Resources: l Teacher In-Service Program s.htm l Lesson Plans m l PEERS l IEEE Presidents Scholarship l Intel International Science and Engineering Fair continued
Pre-College Education Resources: l FIRST Robotics Competition l VINNY Award l IEEE EAB Pre-College Educator Award l Educator / Engineer Collaborations Forum l If you would like to be connected with other volunteers who have already participated in the Pre- College activities mentioned, then contact Doug Gorham at
Education about Standards l EAB is looking for a site for a pilot all-day educational workshop on a family of popular standards l E.g., IEEE l This activity can be done in alliance with a Region, Section, Society, Chapter l Or a combination of these OUs
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