2005 MD RETREAT Enrique Tejera PES VP Membership & Chapters Activities New Jersey, 2005
Why did I join IEEE? Because a professor told me about IEEE. It sounded interesting. There was no student branch at the University
What did I find? Information good enough to help me with my graduation thesis From the beginning I was also involved as a volunteer thanks to a major event celebrated in Panama (CONCAPAN I) Central America and Panama Conference and Exhibition.
Why did I stay as member? The contacts gained through the participation as a volunteer gave me the opportunity to get my first job. As a new engineer IEEE, and very special PES, was a source of information to maintain myself up to date. Through the participation in IEEE as a volunteer I was able to meet people, places and make friends.
What have I obtained from IEEE? Opportunity to develop skills not given at the university such as public speaking, organization of major events, managing people on projects working in a low risk environment where mistakes are allowed. As participant in major conferences I have been able to develop myself professionally presenting technical papers in those major events. The information available in IEEE continues to help me day by day in my professional activities.
Why do I continue as a member? I would say it is a combination. 50% for the participation as a volunteer and the opportunity to know and help people. 50% for the opportunity to be connected to the major source of technical information for my profession to maintain myself up to date. Even though I am not applying everything I see, it helps me a lot to know what is happening technically around the word.
Where I am now? Profession Panama Canal Authority Electrical Engineer Responsible for Operation, maintenance of Power System IEEE PES VP Membership & Chapter Activities Region 9 RSAC N & A Committee Member at Large TAB Representative to GOLD Committee Candidate for Director Elect Region 9
Where will I go? I do not know. What I am sure is that I will continue professionally connected to IEEE and as a volunteer continue contributing in whatever I can do for the society.