10 Commandments of American Culture 1. You can’t argue with success Be a success 2. Live & let liveBe tolerant 3. Time flies when you are having fun Have lots of fun 4. Shop till you dropEnjoy material things 5. Just do itAction is the key to success CommandmentMeaning
10 Commandments of American Culture (cont) 6. You are only young once Do what you can when you have the chance 7. Enough is enoughStand up for your rights 8. Rules are made to be broken Think for yourself 9. Time is moneyDon’t waste time 10. God helps those who help themselves Work hard CommandmentMeaning
Who are we?Basically goodGood and evilBasically evil How do we relate to God? God is totally separate from people God is different but people can relate to God People are divine How do we relate to nature? People must submit to nature People must live in harmony with nature People are to master nature How do we approach time? Past-orientedPresent- oriented Future- oriented What is the purpose of human life? Live in harmony (stress being) Grow in virtue (stress on becoming) Be fruitful (stress on action) How do we organize ourselves? AuthoritarianGroup and community centered Individualistic Worldview Question Responses
Who are we?Basically goodGood and evilBasically evil How do we relate to God? God is totally separate from people God is different but people can relate to God People are divine How do we relate to nature? People must submit to nature People must live in harmony with nature People are to master nature How do we approach time? Past-orientedPresent- oriented Future- oriented What is the purpose of human life? Live in harmony (stress being) Grow in virtue (stress on becoming) Be fruitful (stress on action) How do we organize ourselves? AuthoritarianGroup and community centered Individualistic Worldview Question Responses
Spiritual Preparation for the Short-Term Missionary: Themes for possible devotional topics Servanthood Faithfulness Living by faith Spiritual gifts Spiritual disciplines Spiritual warfare Journaling
Important considerations for team leaders Need to understand different learning styles Information given to participants must be relevant to interests/needs (timing is also important) Quality of training material Create an atmosphere for learning
Opportunity for Spiritual Formation Importance of prayer support group Leader needs to discern the spiritual state of team members and plan the spiritual formation component accordingly Always helpful to review what it means to know Christ personally and life in the Spirit Leader should pray for guidance
Group Reflection What is meant by this statement? “… I also believe that our Western approach to short-term missions, behavior in relating to those from other cultures, and perspective on the purposes of short- term missions desperately needs an overhaul and a reevaluation.” --Paul Borthwick, Development Associates Intl. Author of A Mind for Missions