Negative integers can be traced to the Chinese in 200 BCE. They used red rods to represent positive numbers and black rods to represent negative numbers. In India,negative integers started appearing around AD 620 – 630 in the work of Hindu Brahma Gupta.
He called the positive numbers affirmative quantities. Chu – Shiky gave the “rule of sign”. There have been various notations to represent negative numbers. The Hindus put a small circle or a dot over or next to the number to denote it was a negative number. The Hindus put a small circle or a dot over or next to the number to denote it was a negative number.
The Chinese drew a slash through a portion of the number to indicate that the number was negative. The Chinese drew a slash through a portion of the number to indicate that the number was negative.
For temperature reading we can use integers in the following ways: Eg: If the temperature rises by x degree it is represented as +x degree celsius. If it falls by y degree it is represented as –y degree celsius.
DELHI 43 c 39 c 46 c 40 c 45 c 37 c 40 c 32 c HL KASHMIR 7 c 3 c 1 c -2 c 3 c 1 c -3 c HL MONDAY TUESDAYTHURSDAY WEDNES DAY What was the coldest temperature in Kashmir? The coldest temperature was -3 degrees celsius What was the highest temperature in Delhi ? The highest temperature was 46 degree celsius
In addition,subtraction: same sign keep and add, different signs subtract take the sign of the bigger absolute value. + of + = + - of - = + - of + = - + of - = - + of - = - In multiplication if the signs are same the answer is positive opposite signs give negative. In multiplication if the signs are same the answer is positive opposite signs give negative.
In multiplication and division SPON works THAT IS ‘ same signs positive and opposite signs negative’. In multiplication and division SPON works THAT IS ‘ same signs positive and opposite signs negative’.
RULES KEY : Good (+) ; Hate (-) ; Love (+) ; Bad (-) If you love to love,it is good (+) x (-) = - If you hate to hate,it is good (-) x (-) = + If you love to hate, it is bad (+) x (-) = - If you hate to love, it is bad (- )
RULES DMAS RULE DMAS RULE Dear mother and sister to remember the rule i.e. Order of operation is Dear mother and sister to remember the rule i.e. Order of operation is DMAS rule explains when an operator should be considered for when there occur multiple operators in an expression. DMAS rule explains when an operator should be considered for when there occur multiple operators in an expression.
Order of operations:Order of operations: Division Division Multiplication Multiplication Addition Addition Subtraction. Subtraction. DMAS
Negative numbers are commonly used in sports. Eg: in hockey if a player on your side score on your line it is a plus. If a player from the other team scores on your line then it is a minus.
Negative integers are used to represent debits and positive integers for credit. Eg : if I deposit Rs.100/- then the balance is +100 I withdraw Rs.50/- then my account will show -50 (debit).
Budgeting is allotting a certain amount of money for a particular project or work.Budgeting is allotting a certain amount of money for a particular project or work. When the allotted amount is less than required then the deficit is represented by a negative integer and after the completion of work if there is some amount left after the work is done that amount is represented by a positive integer.When the allotted amount is less than required then the deficit is represented by a negative integer and after the completion of work if there is some amount left after the work is done that amount is represented by a positive integer.
If I get Rs.100/-as a birthday present it is represented by+100. If I spend Rs.75/- on paints it is denoted by -75 += -=
I am going shopping today and I have only Rs.500 to spend. My shopping list contains: 1kg Sugar for Rs.50 5kg rice for Rs.150 1kg of mangos and bananas for Rs.100 A fountain pen for Rs.100 2 books for Rs.50
A fancy pouch for Rs.50 3 CDs for Rs.30 o I had only Rs.500 to spend I give away Rs.500 but I still have a balance of Rs.30 so it is represented as - 30.
Lokesh Lokesh Ekshetha Ekshetha Abigyna Abigyna Krut Krut Ram Ram Akshay Akshay
We learnt how to add, subtract, multiply and divide integers. We learnt how integers started and how to perform many operations on integers. =icsh%=3A1&sa=1&q=thermometers clear pictures. /imegres?imegurl=http: // negative.
Integers handout
We thank Bhagya maam for her valuable guidance and patient help. We thank Bhagya maam for allowing us to do such a wonderful project.