Friday, April 8, 2011 Good morning, English 11! Good morning! Please clear off your desks except for a pencil or pen, your book, your character log, and Lesson 1.
The Things They Carried With a partner, quickly answer the questions for Lesson 3: Reminiscence. This was on Ch. 2 & 3. Write both your names on this. One of you is a recorder; the other is responsible for explaining your answer if called upon. Both of you should look for answers in the book and include pages numbers from the book. Also, ask your partner for help if you didn’t get some of the answers for Lesson 1 (Alphabet Soup).
The Things They Carried Ch. 2 ends with a mystery. Jimmy Cross asks Tim O’Brien not to write about something, but we don’t know what it is. What do you think it might have been?
The Things They Carried Ch. 3 is called “Spin”. “On occasions the war was like a Ping-Pong ball. You could put fancy spin on it, you could make it dance. – p. 32 What does O’Brien mean? What are the stories in the chapter about?
The Things They Carried What lenses did you find in the chapter? What was with the checker game on p. 32? What kind of person is Azar?
The Things They Carried How old is O’Brien as he’s writing this story? How do you know? Look at p. 38. Why is this repeated?
The Things They Carried Turn to p. 39. Our assignment is to read Ch. 4 – “On the Rainy River” – pp. 39 – 61. You will have to finish at home (done by Sunday evening). Write down any questions you have as you read.
The Things They Carried The draft notice arrived on June 17, 1968….I remember opening up the letter, scanning the first few lines, feeling the blood go thick behind my eyes. I remember a sound in my head. It wasn’t thinking, just a silent howl. – p. 41