LEARNING INTENTION LI: I will develop my understanding of the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit In your Religion book create a word map with all of the things you already know about the Holy Spirit.
In the Bible the Holy Spirit can be referred to as many different names. Some of these include; Spirit of God Spirit of Truth Advocate Activity Using Biblegateway find a bible story that refers to the Holy Spirit, in one of these ways. IN your Religion book write the book name, chapter and verse numbers and then also copy the sentence that talks about the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit
The Holy spirit is represented by a variety of images. They all have a different meaning. They also have different meaning to us as believers of God. Today we will look at a few… Symbols of the Holy Spirit
DOVE The Dove It comes from the story of Jesus' baptism, when Jesus saw “the Spirit, like a dove, descending upon him.” (Mark 1:10)
Fire is another popular representation of the Holy Spirit. The fire that appeared on Pentecost (Acts of the Apostles 2:3) was reminiscent of the burning bush on Mount Sinai from which God spoke to Moses. (Exodus 3:2) FIRE
The Holy Spirit is also represented by wind. In fact, the original Hebrew and Greek words for “Spirit” can be translated as “wind.” The wind that appeared on Pentecost (Acts of the Apostles 2:2) was reminiscent of the wind that blew over the waters at the beginning of Creation. (Genesis 1:2) WIND
Find another symbol of the Holy Spirit. Draw the image in your book and write a description of its relevance underneath it. You may like to add where in the Bible the symbol is written about. ACTIVITY
The Holy Spirit Click on the image to watch clip
GIFTS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT At Baptism, you receive seven special gifts from the Holy Spirit. These gifts are freely given to help us live as followers of Jesus and to build up the Body of Christ, the Church. The Gifts of the Holy Spirit are sealed and strengthened within us at Confirmation. These seven gifts help us to respond to the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives, to make good choices, and to serve God and others.
Wisdom The gift of knowing the right choices to make to live a holy life. The gift of wisdom helps you to avoid the things that could lead you away from God.
The gift of comprehension, or the ability to grasp the meaning of the teachings of the Church. The gift of understanding helps you be tolerant and sympathetic of others. It helps you sense when someone is hurting or in need of compassion. Understanding
The gift of right judgment helps you make choices to live as a faithful follower of Jesus. Right Judgement
The gift that helps you stand up for your faith in Christ. The gift of courage helps you overcome any obstacles that would keep you from practicing your faith. Courage
The gift of knowing and enlightenment. The gift of knowledge enables you to choose the right path that will lead you to God. It encourages you to avoid obstacles that will keep you from him. Knowledge
The gift of confidence in God. This gift of reverence inspires you to joyfully want to serve God and others. Reverence
The gift of wonder and respect that encourages you to be in awe of God. The gift of wonder and awe moves you to so love God that you do not want to offend him by your words or actions. Wonder
ASSESSMENT You will be given an A4 piece of paper that is divided into three sections. In one section write the gift of the Holy Spirit that you will describe. In the next section describe the gift. In the final section write how you could use this to give you strength or guidance. GIFT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT DESCRIPTIONHOW YOU COULD USE THIS GIFT TO GIVE YOU STRENGTH OR GUIDANCE
LEARNING INTENTION I will explain the meaning of the fruits of the Spirit and discuss how they are signs of God’s love.
Fruits of the Holy Spirit When we cooperate with the graces and gifts we receive from the Holy Spirit, we grow as followers of Jesus. We see the effect of the Holy Spirit’s presence in our lives in special qualities and attitudes that we develop as we grow in faith. The Church identifies these qualities and attitudes as the fruits of the Holy Spirit.
Love: We exhibit the virtue of charity, or love, by our unselfish devotion and care for God and our neighbour.
Joy: We live with joy when we recognize that true happiness comes, not from money or possessions, but from knowing and following Christ.
Peace: We are freed from worrying about trivial things because of the inner peace we experience with God in our hearts. We work and pray for peace throughout the world.
Patience: We demonstrate patience by treating others with thoughtfulness and tolerance. We know that we can overcome the temptations and sufferings of life because God is always with us.
Kindness: We live the virtue of kindness by treating others as we want to be treated.
Goodness: We exhibit goodness when we honor God by avoiding sin and always trying to do what we know is right.
Gentleness: Gentle people act calmly and avoid actions that might lead others to anger or resentment.
Faithfulness: We are faithful when we live out our commitment to the teachings of Jesus, the Scriptures, and the Catholic Church.
Self-control: We exercise self-control by working to overcome the temptations we face and by trying always to do God’s will.
ASSESSMENT Make a poster about one of the FRUITS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT You need to include The meaning of the fruit How it is a sign of God’s love You may wish to include examples of where you see this gift displayed in your life.
LEARNING INTENTION LI: I will describe the key parts of confirmation, identifying symbols, words and actions.
CONFIRMATION Confirmation is the Sacrament in which one is enriched by the gift of the Holy Spirit and bound more perfectly to the Church. It strengthens us and obliges us to be witnesses to Christ by word and deed and to spread and defend the faith. It is the Sacrament in which one enters into full membership in the Catholic Church.
The majority of Catholics are baptised as babies before they are old enough to understand what it means to be a disciple of Jesus. Their parents and godparents promise to bring them up in the Christian faith following Jesus's example. When they reach an age where they are able to understand the difficulties and challenges of living out the Christian faith, they are invited to confirm the promises made on their behalf at baptism through confirmation. CONFIRMATION
The sacrament of confirmation is often held on Pentecost Sunday when Christians celebrate the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles. Catholics believe confirmation is one of seven sacraments instituted by Christ. The effect of the sacrament of confirmation is a special outpouring of the Spirit as granted to the apostles on the day of Pentecost. CONFIRMATION
The priest prays that each person will receive the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit: reverence, understanding, courage, knowledge, wisdom, awe and wonder and right judgment. He makes the sign of the cross on their foreheads with holy chrism oil. This is a sign of strength and a reminder of their commitment to follow Christ even to the cross. In many English-speaking countries, candidates will take the name of a saint. The saint will act as a patron and guide to the person seeking confirmation.
Cross, under which all Christians gather to live and pray water, by which the new member is brought into the life of the community light, which provides direction to one’s life in the community Word of God, which forms every Christian gathering for prayer, and Chrism, the holy oil which speaks of the fragrant presence of the Spirit of God SYMBOLS OF CONFIRMATION
Make a short PowerPoint presentation. In the presentation you need to have one slide that tell what confirmation is. Then you should list the symbols of confirmation and the meaning or use of the symbols in confirmations. ACTIVITY