WELCOME to Mrs. Friedlander’s SCIENCE CLASS
Course Content 8 th grade Science Inquiry Physical Science Properties and Changes in Matter Motion and Forces Earth and Space Science Structure of the Earth Earth History Earth in the Solar System Science and the Environment
Course Content 7 th grade Science Inquiry Life Science Structure and Function in Living Systems Reproduction and Heredity Populations and Ecosystems Adaptations of Organisms Science and the Environment
Interactive Textbooks 8 th grade Students MUST have their Interactive Science Textbook with them whenever a textbook homework assignment is due. Students will be assigned homework in the textbook on a regular basis. If a student loses the textbook, the replacement fee is $75. If a student forgets to bring the textbook to class the day an assignment is due, they will receive a F. Late work will not be accepted.
7 th Grade Honors Textbook and Workbook Students can keep the textbook at home, unless I ask them to bring it to school. This will only happen occasionally. HOEWORK WILL BE ASSIGNED IN THE WORKBOOK REGULARY.
An interactive notebook is a personalized DIARY of learning. A portfolio of a student’s work in ONE convenient spot. A great ORGANIZATIONAL TOOL that gives students permission to be playful and creative in their responses without "messing up" their notes. It helps students to SEQUENCE assignments. It encourages PRIDE in student work. It’s great for studying too! Students will know exactly what pages of notes will be covered on a test or quiz. Also, they will have a visual representation beside the notes when they study.
Crayons & colored pencils NO MARKERS! Three-pronged folder filled with loose-leaf or a 1 subject spiral bound notebook HIGHLIGHTER Glue sticks or tape
Table of Contents
Let’s create some examples in your notebook… The first thing I go over with my students at the beginning of the year is the course syllabus. Have your students complete an assignment using the syllabus.
The Left SIDE “LOVES” student work. This is the side that students use to show me their creativity. This is the “output” or product side. The notebook is divided into TWO sections. The Right SIDE is “RESTRICTED” and contains only information given by the teacher. Nothing else should be placed on the RIGHT SIDE!!
Additional Information LAB FEE – The Science Department will be collecting a $5.00 Lab Fee. This will be used to defray the cost of consumable materials. We will take a major test at the end of each unit covered. If we do not have a test that week we will have either a quiz or we will perform a lab. Quizzes will not always be announced. After the completion of a lab the students will be required to do a lab report, which will count as a test grade. All assignments will have a due date. Assignments will not be accepted after the due date, unless the student was absent. Students are responsible for any work that they miss and must come see me to get the work. Missed tests must be made up as soon as possible.
YOUR CHILD WILL HAVE HOMEWORK EVERY NIGHT IN THIS CLASS!! Typically, homework will consist of a written assignment (worksheet or textbook questions) and to STUDY NOTES. Notes and homework assignments can be found on my wiki. Notebook tests will be given at the end of every 9 weeks. SCIENCE FAIR PROJECT – The science fair is held during the second nine weeks. Honors classes are required to do a science fair project and it will count as ¼ of their 2nd nine weeks grade. Regular science classes may do a science fair project for extra credit. I am required to keep the students test papers filed in my classroom. At any point you want to see them, please call me to set up an appointment. DONATIONS- copy paper, paper towels, kleenex, glue sticks, tape – earn up to 2 free homework passes.
If you have any questions throughout the school year, please contact me Planning Period: Tuesday & Thursday from 11:34 - 1:02 Wednesday & Friday from 1:02 - 2:30 Phone Number: This presentation will be posted on my wiki.