Analysis of Handwriting 12 Characteristics
Line Quality Smooth, free-flowing, & rhythmic Look for shaky, nervous, or wavering
Spacing between letters and words The amount of space between letters within words The amount of space between words
Height, Width, & Size of Letters The amount of space given to each letter is usually consistent (height, width, & size)
Pen Lifts & Separation Where a person lifts their pen while writing is usually consistent. Forgers often lift their pen in unusual places.
Connecting Strokes Capital letters to lower case letters Strokes between letters in a word Strokes between words
Beginning & Ending Strokes How does the write start a letter, word, or number? Straight vs curled Long vs short Upwards vs a downstroke
Unusual Letters Formations Letters written backwards Letters with a tail Unusual Capital letters
Shading or Pen Pressure Are the lines thin and light or does the person push hard on the pen, creating thick, heavy lines?
Slant Lefty slant Righty slant Straight up and down Different for certain letters?
Baseline Habits Do you write on the line? Above it? Go below it? Without lines, do you trail up or down when you write?
Flourishes or Embellishments Fancy letters Curls, Loops, Circles, or Underlines?
Placement of Diacritics The way you cross your “t” The way you dot your “i” or “j”