English 3 November 11 I can analyze a writer’s use of irony in developing a theme. I can analyze the methods by which a writer develops a theme. I can edit sentences for mistakes in mechanics. I can relate a work of literature to the time period in which it is set and in which it is written.
Bell ringer Apostrophe, Comma (other), Semicolon (avoid confusion), Usage (using the right word), End Punctuation, Abbreviation Dr Mitchells hole address (street city state and ZIP) is 209 Buena Vista Avenue Northport NE 68409 but you listed the street address as 209 Buena Vista Drive Quotation Marks, Comma (appositive), Apostrophe, Comma (other), Hyphenated adjective (two adjectives that function as one word, describing the same noun) Before Barbara Bash modern day nature writer writes a book she sketches. I traveled to East Africa to sketch the baobab trees, to southern Colorado to watch the twilight emergence of 100,000 bats …, and to New York City to find birds nests on skyscraper ledges she notes
Check yourself Dr. Mitchell’s whole address (street, city, state, and ZIP) is 209 Buena Vista Avenue, Northport, NE, 68409; but you listed the street address as 209 Buena Vista Drive. (The semicolon, here, is used to avoid confusion joining the two independent clauses with the conjunction.) Before Barbara Bash, modern-day nature writer, writes a book, she sketches. “I traveled to East Africa to sketch the baobab trees, to southern Colorado to watch the twilight emergence of 100,000 bats …, and to New York City to find birds’ nests on skyscraper ledges,” she notes. (Since birds is plural, the apostrophe comes after the s.)
Irony What is verbal irony? Words express one meaning but have another, usually opposite meaning. Usually expressed as sarcasm. What is situational irony? Something that happens contrary to our expectations. For example: a fire station burns to the ground. What is dramatic irony? Irony that occurs when the audience is aware of something that a character or characters is not. For example, when Hale says that something “weighty” must be behind the girls’ accusations, we know that Proctor is affected because of his affair with Abby. You will have 20 minutes to complete the dialectical journal on irony. In the blank, identify the KIND of irony that is used in the left column.
Themes Possible themes in The Crucible Fear and suspicion can destroy society. People can use the ideas of virtue and piety to advance a selfish or malevolent agenda. People who claim to be good may be hypocrites. It may be better to die with integrity than to compromise your honor, decency, and faith in order to live. For each theme, decide which character best develops that idea. Justify your choices with the class. Complete the dialectical journal on theme. You will have 20 minutes to do so.
Re-enact an interrogation from the McCarthy hearings Groups of three Rehearse the questionings. In a Venn diagram, compare and contrast the interrogation of James Wechsler, an editor at the New York Post, before Senator McCarthy with Act 3 in The Crucible. How do the quotes written on the board convey the feelings of the McCarthy era? Re-enact an interrogation from the McCarthy hearings
Study Guide for Unit 1 test on Thursday