Strategy for the Dissemination of 2010 Census Results for State of Qatar Dr. Ahmed Hussein Mark Grice Pervaiz Ahmad Malik Dr. Ahmed Hussein Mark Grice Pervaiz Ahmad Malik
Contents Why 2010 Census is Important for Qatar Strategy Vision Strategy Aims Who are the Users Uses Utilization Framework –Products –Analysis –Services User Consultation Marketing and Dissemination Quality Assurance Confidentiality Way Forward
“A census is not complete until the information collected is made available to potential users in a form suited to their needs”.
Why 2010 Census is Important? This Census will make an Informed society It reveals the fact that the population is more than doubled since last census. Will help the government in allocation of resources. The results will be used by NDS for monitoring and evaluation. Provide characteristics of population by geographical distribution. It will provide the users a new picture of modern Qatar.
Producing statistical outputs and providing accurate quality services related to the development process, making them available to users, by using modern technology in order to meet their needs on time. Strategy Vision
This strategy aims Innovative products to promote the use and dissemination of census data. Producing a calendar of data release. Providing a list of all products to be disseminated. Preparing a data outreach program to sensitize current and potential data users.
This strategy aims (Continued) Creating partnerships with data users Training private data users on the use and interpretation of census data. Providing table builder capability for users to prepare tables not contemplated in the tabulation plan and for use in analysis and research.
Who are the Users? Government Ministries/Departments Academic/Research Departments Private Sector International and Regional Organizations Charities and Voluntary Sectors Media General Public
Uses For decision making at all levels of government. Attracting new business to state. Forecasting future transportation need for all segments of population. Planning for hospitals, nursing homes, clinics and the location of other health services. Forecasting future housing need for all segments of population.
Uses (Continued) To monitor the implementation of the National Development Strategy (NDS). Designing public safety strategies. Designing facilities for people with disabilities, the elderly, or children. Planning for the need for educational and health facilities at municipality/zone levels.
Uses (Continued) Planning adult education programs. Planning budget for government at all levels. Understanding labor supply Locating the sites for business centers. Designing the household surveys during the intercensal period. Benchmarking
Census products Analysis of census results Census services Utilization frame work for 2010 census results
Products Predefined tables according to the UN recommendations. A booklet describing the main findings of the 2010 census. The Census final results in the form of publications
Products Census dictionary Census catalog Table builder Qatar Picture Thematic profiles (Children, elderly, youth) Census thematic posters and brochures (Population, education, health etc)
Products Micro data file National Atlas(hard copy) E-atlas Business register School products (Resources for schools, on line tutorials, puzzles and games for students etc). Census in schools annual survey.
Analysis Analysis will be done on the following topics: –Population Change –Trends and determinants of fertility –Mortality and model life tables –Family formation(marriages/divorces) –Internal/international migration
Analysis (Continued) –Economically active population, employment, unemployment –Housing conditions –Education and training –Disability –Economic portrait based on establishment census
Services (communication strategy) Bulletin or online information –New data availability –Data releases and new indicators –New analytical findings
Services Develop population register Determine Ministry data needs Invite researchers to “partner” with QSA Encourage media to promote decision making using Census results
User Consultation Data are valuable if a data user has a need for it. Contact with data users in the form of General & Specialized meetings to fulfill their needs. Work with the Sectoral Development Strategies to provide them the needed products.
Marketing and Dissemination Data Dissemination Seminars Data User Survey Web Access Tables Metadata Analytical Papers Other Relevant Information
Quality Assurance Customer focus – quality is what is perceived by the customer not the QSA Leadership – establish a “quality” environment Staff – full involvement using all of their abilities Process approach – review the sub-processes to ensure quality at every stage
Quality Assurance (continued) Systems approach – identify, understand, and manage processes to ensure efficiencies and effectiveness Continual improvement – permanent objective Factual approach to decision making mutually beneficial supplier relationships
Quality Assurance (Qatar Census 2010) Questionnaire based on UN, GCC and local recommendations Questionnaire revised based on comments from data users Business rules developed and applied to PDA Maps ensured complete coverage Census test conducted one year before the Census
Quality Assurance (Qatar Census continued) Media campaign to inform all about the Census and encourage response After PDA edits data were also reviewed in the office Incomplete and questionable responses sent to telephone center for review and correction Coding used internationally approved schemes Summary Census data compared with other administrative data
Confidentiality Based on law, privacy policies of the statistical agency, and the use of software to avoid disclosures Laws generally stipulate penalties of fines and/or time in jail. Statistical agencies often have privacy policies that they will not publish any cell with a number less than 3 (or 5). Statistical software changes small data fields to ensure no disclosures. Totals are not affected.
Way Forward QSA should prepare an implementation plan for the proposed strategy. Consult the development strategy task teams about their data needs.(9 Dec. 2010) Identify needs of sectoral development strategies for KPI and benchmarking for measuring progress. Identify the future needs for data QSA prepares a plan for surveys for the years 2011 and 2013.