Engineering By Design 2.5 EbD Inclusive Design Audit 1 ®
Essential Question: What is What is inclusive design and what accessibility issues make inclusion difficult for some people? ® Big Idea: Engineering is a helping profession and these professionals are constantly exploring ways to make life better. Inclusive Design is a way of examining design where Engineers explore the importance of creating new products that are as inclusive for as many people as possible. To make inclusion a reality, it is essential in the design process to look at the world through the eyes of their stakeholders and examine the components of everyday task to determine accessibility.
EbD EPICS Service-Learning Preliminary Challenge 3. Inclusive Design Audit of the School 2. Inclusive Design- Empathy Activity 1.Class Basics Notebook Line of Learning Common Core Standards 4. Decision Matrix ® 5. Prototype and Discussion 6. Reflection
Prepare your notebook Table of contents ®
Line of Learning Preliminary Challenge Question: What are problems in your community that can be solved by the skills you are learning in this class? Date ®
Standards Statement ® Students will explore accessibility issues within the environment and develop possible solutions to the most pressing problem using prototypes. They will use speaking and listening skills to gather important information to evaluate the solution. Standards: NGSS HS. Engineering Design HS-ETS1-3. ETS1.b ELA/Literacy – SL c, SL d.
® Dustin is a university student who uses a wheelchair for mobility. This is an experience he had. What feelings do you get from his facebook post What are his frustrations? What Inclusive Design Flaw do you spot from this post? Accessibility and Dustin
® What do you think is the most important element of this picture that will help us determine a need? Use your student sheet to answer the questions Accessibility Challenge: Empathy
® Divide into groups- Each group has a Cards- Complete the activities on your card and use your student sheet in your notebook to record your experience. Accessibility Challenge: Empathy
Discussion 10 How would you characterize the accessibility issue that you observed? What inclusive design accommodations might need to be made to compensate for this flaw in design? ®
Inclusive Design Audit 11 Determine if there are issues that do not align with Inclusive Design within your school. Use your student sheet to record your investigation. ®
Discussion in Group 12 What are the 5 most compelling needs that would need to be addressed to make the building inclusive to all people? Present these 5 issues to the class. ®
Discussion in Group 13 Look at the information that you have gathered through your Inclusive Design Audit. Discuss in your group the 5 most pressing issues that would face a student with this accessibility challenge. Narrow down the 5 to 3 issues ®
Inclusive Design Decision Matrix 14 Is there a weighting method I can use to make critical decisions about potential projects? ®
Discussion 15 What are the identified accessibility issues related to your accessibility challenge? Discuss the issues and narrow the 5 down to the three most important and record those on the decision matrix. These options will be the basis for the initial prototype that will be built. ®
Discussion 16 Discuss the important Inclusive design flaws and how they might be evaluated. Use the Decision Matrix to compare criterion from each issue to determine the most pressing issue. ®
Prototype 17 Solidify the Need Sketch Multiple designs Discuss the designs ®
Prototype 18 Sketch the Design of the Prototype ®
19 ® Build your prototype Use the materials in your team bag, you will build a prototype of the selected sketch You will be using this prototype as a catalyst for discussions with your team Be sure to think of all aspects of the stakeholder’s problem so you can best address their needs. Remember this is just a preliminary prototype. In your group be ready to explain your prototype and the different solutions to the group. Remember that no one answer may be the best for the accessibility issue.
20 ® Discuss your Prototype What information can I gather about the accessibility needs by discussing the design of the prototype with my teammates and stakeholders?
Gather more information- Role Play 21 Share the information from the Inclusive Design Audit with your team to get more information. What worked with the prototype to make the accessibility issue more tolerable? What improvements were suggested by the stakeholder? What Questions do you still have about their accessibility issue? ®
Gather more information- Role Play 22 List additional Ideas that have been given. Record reactions on the sheet in your notebook. List changes you will make. ®
Gather more information- 23 Decide what changes you may want to make to your design to better accommodate the accessibility issue in your challenge. Sketch your new solution based on the reflection and the feedback from your team mates. Redesign your prototype adding the additional modifications that will more readily meet the accessibility issue that you have identified. ®
Future Planning 24 What information did you discover that was surprising to you through this activity? Was it easier or more difficult than you thought to have an accessibility issue? If you identified this need in your community, would there be more questions that would need to be answered to create a project proposal? ®
Whole Group Share 25 What have you discovered about Inclusive Design and your school? ®
Thoughts and Questions? 26 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ®
Reflection Have you.. Created a prototype that was designed around feedback from others based on information gathered from experience and information from others that represent an underserved faction of a community? Determined additional information that is necessary to be able to create a project proposal for a service-learning project that could meet an accessibility constraint? ®
Notebook Check Table of Contents Line of learning Student sheet Lesson Artifacts ®
Exit Slip Answer the Questions on the sheet If you have further questions write them on the back ®
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EbD 2.5 EPICS Inclusive Design Audit 31 ® ®