Paul Derwent 1 Pbar Application Pages o The P index pages: 3 separate pages 128 slots, 90 single use applications PA #’s from 0052 to 1999 Keepers span wide range of Division (and beyond) Actively adding applications »3rd index page came in 2000! Java Apps (J Budlong) »Pbar Vacuum Plotting »Debuncher BPMs Controls (10 keepers 45 slots) Briegel, Cahill, Hendricks, Ivanov, Wang, Marsh, West, Smedinghoff, Triplett, Winterowd Pbar (9 keepers 38 slots) Budlong, Gollwitzer, Harms, Lebedev, Leveling, Peterson, Sondgeroth, Vander Meulen, Werkema Left the lab (5 keepers 5 slots) Bertsche,Klamp,O’Day,Pires,Stancari Operations (2 keepers 2 slots) Kissel, Morris Instrumentation (2 keepers 3 slots) Meyer, Voy Headquarters ( 2 keepers 28 slots) McGinnis, Church Tevatron (1 keeper 1 slot) Still Beamlines (1 keeper 3 slots) Lucas Recycler (1 keeper 2 slots) Marriner Proton Source (1 keeper 1 slot) McCrory
Paul Derwent 2 Application Keepers
Paul Derwent 3 PA # and Slot #
Paul Derwent 4 Usage Statistics o Analyzed year of page loads 6 Nov Nov 03 DCL to convert VAX binary to ascii ftp to outland ftp to my laptop Shell scripts to count occurrences »“PA0052 P60” »Some double counting (if open at midnight, for example) o page loads o P60 most popular parameter page, power supplies 8364 times o 41 run 10 or fewer times Not mission critical? 18 run 2 or fewer times »Probably obsolete »E835 applications as examples o 84 run < 1/week Some still critical! »P102 Cycle Busses (28 times) o 44 run ≥ 1/week o 14 run ≥ 10/week
Paul Derwent 5 Top 10 List by Slot # Slot #TitlePA #Number of times Pbar only? 60Power Supply Params528364No 34TWT Status Page Yes 36Stochastic Param’s523350No 41SAnalyzer Download Yes* 8RF Parameters521976No 18Pbar Vacuum No 43Measure Tunes Yes 12Target Parameters521355No 67Beam Permit Status No 42SAnalyzer Display Yes* *Recycler has very similar programs
Paul Derwent 6 Top 14 List by PA # (≥10/week) PA #TitleNumber of times 52Parameter Page TWT Status Page SAnalyzer Download Pbar Vacuum Measure Tunes Beam Permit Status SAnalyzer Display Deb. Inj. TBT Sequencer Core Sig Suppress New RF Curve load Flux Capacitor VSA Acc Long Prof SEM Grid Display574
Paul Derwent 7 Usage Statistics 3 ran more than 2000x
Paul Derwent 8 Adding Applications o Actively adding applications: 3rd index page Shot setup: »Beam line tuning »Diagnostics and monitoring Stacking & operation: »Debuncher tuning »Accumulator tuning New hardware: »VSA »Scopes »NMR probes P34TWT Status Page P101Flux Capacitor P142VSA Acc Long Prof P146Debuncher Bumps P152Deb Inj TBT P170Accumulator Ramp P188GPIB Command Editor P192Core Sig Suppression P194Proton Torpedo P207Long Emit Calc A CUTOFF DATE: After x/y/200z, no longer accept new applications? Force development of Java applications? Some recent programs
Paul Derwent 9 Future Applications o Pbar will be changing operational modes significantly as the Run II upgrades go forward: Higher stacking rates Frequent pbar transfers Tuning needs will probably change »Using new hardware (e.g., VSA to do Debuncher TBT injection) »Developing new measurements (e.g., Debuncher momentum notch filter position) o Need structures (objects?) to make it easy for programmers to: Setup hardware Get data from hardware »Programmable scopes »Spectrum and signal analyzers »Programmable multiplexers e.g., AP1 Gap Monitor and Scope »P GeV protons on target Measures important for Debuncher momentum cooling »P207 8 GeV pbars to MI Measures important for coalescing »Different timing and scales J Budlong developing Java classes for the Tek scopes that are proliferating
Paul Derwent 10 Example picture o Jim Budlong, working with Kevin Cahill and Charlie Briegel, developed classes to read out TDS scopes in pbar through VME Plotting widget Setup widgets Data available to do analysis