The First External Cardiac Pacemaker
2 IEEE established the Milestones Program in 1983 in conjunction with the 1984 Centennial Celebration to recognize the achievements of the Century of Giants who formed the profession and technologies represented by IEEE. IEEE Milestone
3 Each milestone recognizes a significant achievement that occurred at least twenty-five years ago in an area of technology represented in IEEE and having at least regional impact. To date, more than seventy-five Milestones have been approved and dedicated around the world. IEEE Milestone
4 IEEE Milestones in Electrical Engineering and Computing In the run up to the IEEE's 125th anniversary in 2009, the IEEE History Committee wants as many nominees as possible for IEEE History Milestones.
5 FIRST EXTERNAL CARDIAC PACEMAKER IEEE Toronto Section Milestone event 2009:
6 Nelson River HVDC Transmission System, 1972 Winnipeg Winnipeg Eal River HVDC First HVDC Project designed for Solid State Thyristors First Wearable Cardiac Pacemaker, Minneapolis, MN, USA October IEEE Twin Cities Section Other IEEE Historic Milestones
7 First Long-Distance Voice Transmission is Newest IEEE Milestone A commemorative plaque was unveiled at the old telegraph office in Paris, Ont., where Alexander Graham Bell heard voice signals being sent through wires from the telegraph office in Brantford, 13 kilometres away. First Long-Distance Voice Transmission is Newest IEEE Milestone A commemorative plaque was unveiled at the old telegraph office in Paris, Ont., where Alexander Graham Bell heard voice signals being sent through wires from the telegraph office in Brantford, 13 kilometres away. Other IEEE Historic Milestones
9 In 1950, in Room 64 of the Banting Institute at the University of Toronto, Drs. Wilfred Bigelow and John Callaghan successfully paced the heart of a, dog using an external electronic pacemaker-defibrillator having implanted, electrodes. The device was developed by Dr. John Hopps at the National Research Council of Canada. This pioneering work led to the use of cardiac pacemakers in humans and helped establish the importance of electronic devices in medicine. Citation
11 John Jack Alexander Hopps
12 An external pacemaker was designed and built by the Canadian electrical engineer John Hopps in 1950 John Alexander Jack Hopps ( )
13 Room #64 at the Banting Institute
14 Banting Institute West Facade 114 College Street, Toronto
15 Banting Institute, Site of Existing Banting and Best Plaque
16 Banting Institute Site of IEEE Milestone Plaque