MERGING VOTING PRECINCTS Randolph County BOE Rockingham County BOE
WHY MERGE VOTING PRECINCTS? * Increase in early voting * Polling places issues - ADA compliance, difficulty in finding appropriate spaces * Small precincts * Limited resources – hard to find enough poll workers * Cost savings when purchasing new voting equipment * County Board of Elections support
OTHER CONSIDERATIONS * Post-election reporting of ballots by VTD * Political makeup and climate of County * Desire of County Board of Elections – bipartisan support * Census (2010/2020) * Timing – gradual or all at once * New, larger polling places with adequate staffing * No VTDs when Rockingham first merged precincts
NCSBE REQUIREMENTS * Resolution approved and signed by County Board of Elections * Executive Summary explaining changes * Polling place accessibility surveys * Written descriptions of proposed precinct boundary lines * Electronic map and images of existing and proposed precincts and polling places * Voter notification plan * Must code ballots by Voting Tabulation Districts and record votes by VTD (G.S ) * Update SEIMS precinct code names and description names in accordance with G.S A * Update polling place pictures in SEIMS * Rockingham County – a preclearance county
AFTER PRECINCT CHANGES 2012: 40 Precincts2013: 22 Precincts
LESSONS LEARNED Positive Changes Post-election reporting by VTD is done. Reallocated resources – open additional one-stops when needed Fewer judges/chief judges needed Made changes during a municipal election year, not before a presidential Got buy-in from County Commissioners and political parties Long-term cost savings on voting equipment, laptops Times savings before and after election Issues to Resolve Long lines in November 2014 – lengthy ballot, no straight ticket vote, local issues Easier to merge near census when Precincts match VTDs Public perception: negative public feedback was limited Expect the unexpected Not a one-size-fits-all solution Coding by precinct costs are higher
Randolph County – Melissa Johnson Rockingham County – Tina Cardwell