Seisan meets Java Lars Ottemoller 1) and Jens Havskov 2) 1)British Geological Survey, UK 2)University of Bergen, Norway
Background Development started in late 80s Large number of contributors Steady improvements, now Version 8 However, basics unchanged Low funding, most contributions through personal initiative
Functionality Routine analysis of earthquake data: Database and formats Plot and analyse signals Earthquake location and magnitude Fault plane solution Catalogue search Bulletin Seismicity maps Research Tools
Philosophy Open source Non-commercial Multi-platform Open system Integrate essential tools into one package Documentation Support
Users Local and regional observatories in all parts of the world (~100) Widely used in the developing world Individual researchers 15% of data sent to ISC in Seisan format
Training University of Bergen, seismology courses Potsdam course Pre-conference courses (IASPEI, ASC, ESC) Regional projects (Central America, Africa) RELEMR project Commercial projects (India, Venezuela, Guatemala) Tutorial and test data distributed with software
Success ? Cons Poor graphics Most programs without GUI Mostly written in Fortran Advanced signal processing features limited
Success ? Pros Free and open source Multi-platform (especially Windows) Reasonable documentation Easy to install Complete system (providing all tools needed at many observatories) Easy integration of different data-sets Good support
Seisan and Java SeisWeb (web based processing) Jseisan (local processing) SeisConf Developer: Bladimir Moreno
Client-server based architecture Processing software Database Seisweb Jseisan (GUI) Commands Data Script Server side SeisWeb: Web server JSeisan: Local machine Client side
Discussion client-server based architecture Tool can run with various processing/database systems Maximizes use of server side software Compatibility of results Minimizes size of client-side software Compression required, high exchange rate between client and server
Implementation SeisWeb/JSeisan independent of Seisan Basic functionality of Seisan Easy to use GUI also by non- professional Data formats: GSE and Nordic Security
Experience Java tools do provide improved GUI to Seisan Processing across web feasible Graphics platform dependant Java tools not the fastest Hardly any user feedback Users seem to continue with traditional tools
Future ? Seisan Continue support Minor modifications and some new features Java Combine SeisWeb and Jseisan Further development dependent on users’ acceptance
Demonstration Convert Orfeus SEED file to Seisan and enter into database Plot and analyse event (non-Java tools) Location and magnitude JSeisan access to database Analysis SeisConf Linux & Windows