Valuing Forest Asset STATE OF ACRE Governors Climate and Forest Task Force May 18 – 20, 2010 Banda Aceh, Indonesia PAYMENTS FOR ENVIROMENTAL SERVICES – CARBON PROJECT PES-CARBON PROJECT
The Land-Use Context PER U BOLIVI A 164,221 km 2164,221 km 2 4% of the Brazilian Amazon4% of the Brazilian Amazon 655,385 inhabitants655,385 inhabitants (190,705 rural - 30%) State of Acre
Contribution to deforestation in the Amazon (Inpe 2008)
The Policy Context Led by Chico Mendes, rubber tappers and other forest-based populations struggled to conserve forest, their livelihoods and their culture. The Legacy of Chico Mendes 1970s : Federal policies for road expansion and fiscal incentives for forest clearing. A decade of diverse progressive policies promoting the value of standing forests and social inclusion. Since 1999, the legacy of Chico Mendes has been assimilated by the state government.
Valuing Forest Asset Recuperation of altered areas Program Valuing of Enviromental Assets Program Reforesting Project (planted forest) Replacement of altered areas Project Accreditation of property Project Payment for Enviromental Services Forest Managing Project Agroforest Properties Forest management of multiple use Managementof non-wooden productsFull protection Agriculture and extensive livestock Regularization of Passives Project
Project Time Line Jan 2009 Feb 2009 Set 2009 Nov 2009 Jun 2010 Action Plan Concept Development (meetings with NGOs) Consultation Process Meettings with grassroots movements Workshops with Potential beneficiaries Workshops with NGOs Workshops with National and International NGOs and scientist Law Draft analysis Decision Making over recommendations Final approval by Councils Apr st call for consultation by internet Final Version
Value Acre’s Forest Assets so as to assure the provision of environmental services through: Objectives Encourage intensive and sustainable use of altered areas and forests, thus generating income and reducing substantially the pressure on the forest. Provide private and public financial flows and promote benefit sharing amongst stakeholders conserving, preserving and recovering forest assets. Guarantee effective and lasting reductions in deforestation.
PES-Carbon Project Principles The Inclusion of all forests (protected areas, indigenous lands, settlement projects and private properties) The respect for different cultures and realities.The respect for different cultures and realities. The development of mechanisms to estimulate the conservation of the forest.The development of mechanisms to estimulate the conservation of the forest. participation.Transparency and participation. PSE carbon Project
Implementation Strategy Incentives for Environmental Services – Support for sustainable practices in and outside forests Structural Actions – Territory management tools, Technical Assistance, Strenghtening communities’ organizations Priority Areas – Areas that include vulnerable forests to deforestation, low deforestation and different stakeholders
ENFORCEMENT Productive restructuring of the property Forest Valuing and Sust use Forest Protection Increase of productivity and income in agriculture and forest chains. Environmental Services Provision Reduction of pressure over Forest Carbon Credits Selling Credits in Market Payment for Environmental Services INCENTIVES Incentives for Environmental Services PES carbon Project
6 Priority Areas PES Carbon Project
8 Priority Areas (recommendations from consultation process)
8 Priority Areas : Size: 5.4 milllions ha 33% of the State 4,4% deforest People : families extractivists settled indigenous medium/large properties 86% direct to recipients 14% transactional costs and govermental services ~USD 400 mi (15 years) - 86% direct to recipients 14% transactional costs and govermental services Size: 5.8 millions ha 35% of the State 4% deforest People: 7,500 families 3,400 extractivists 3,500 settled 600 indigenous medium/large properties 87% direct to recipients 13% transactional costs and govermental services ~USD 250 mi (15 years) 87% direct to recipients 13% transactional costs and govermental services 6 Priority Areas : PES Carbon Project
Total emissions reduction in the State = 164 million ton CO2 = 132 million ton CO2 Emission reductions outside Priority Areas = 32 million ton CO2 Emission reductions in Priority Areas 75% of the target 25% of the target
Acre REDD Program Architecture (under construction) Public Dimensions Instances Role Environment Secretary Env. Services AGENCY 1)Regulation of the Law 2)Call for REDD actions 3)Program Monitoring 4)Carbon Registry Private E.S. Development ENTERPRISE Mixed Capital 1)Fundraising 2)Implementation 3)Reporting Participation Science Committee Multistakeholder Commission 1)Carbon accounting orientation Reknown Scientists Members of 4 Public Policy Councils 1)Approval of REDD action plans and reports 2)Program Overseeing Priority Areas Commssion Local Stakeholders 1)Implementation
Consultation involving different segments of society in meetings and workshops tottaling 174 persons : – Indigenous: 30 – Small households and extractivits: 50 – Civil Society Organizations technical staff: 85 – Class organizations’ representatives: 9 Result: A total of 357 recommendations received. Main groups: – Structural Actions: 70 – Incentives for Environmental Services: 63 – Regarding the Project’s Concept: 39 – Priority areas: 36 – Governance: 29 Consultation Process
Final remarks We don’t want only REDD, but REDD+ REDD+ is not final goal. It is one of the means to make Acre Sustainable Development Plan happen REDD+: effective of land use for the continuous provision of environmental services with social and economical inclusion Collective effort: Acre society and technical and financial support from governments (federal and abroad) and private sector
ACRE The best place to live in the Amazon