Introduction The status of a state in International sphere is determined by its political power. Political power is the words of Prof. Hartmann is “ the strength of capacity that a soverign state can use to achieve its national interests”. But it is really a difficult job to measure the power of a state because it depends on numerous elements and relative factors.
GEOGRAPHY The importance of geography for the study of international relations has been long recognized. Napoleon used to say that “the foreign policy of a country is determined by its Geography. ” The location of state determines whether it develops naval power or land power. The insular and peninsular states like U.S.A., and U.K and Japan concentrate on sea defence and emerge as maritime powers. The size of a country also determines the power status of a nation. A large size is particularly helpful in the rise and development of a Great power as demonstrated by china. On the other hand a small sized state cannot become a Great power because of its limited capacity and resources.
The shape of territory of a country has also its impact on a state’s position. A compact territory helps in internal communication as well as in protection of frontiers. The climates of a country also plays an important part in the power status of a country. If the climate is very cold or very dry it will generally lead to sparce population resulting in meager exploitation of resources. The climate also determines the fertility of the soil.
POPULATION Population is another important determinant of national power. Usually large population is considered a source of strength. But it will be wrong to overemphasize the importance of large population. Usually large numbers are a source of strength in the developed countries whereas in underdeveloped countries they are a source of weakness.
A number of states with small population (like U.K. and France) were able to emerge as big powers because they succeeded in adding to their demographic power by a colonial expansion. Their colonial possessions were many times more than their own area and size. Apart from the number, the age composition of the population is very significant. If there are too many children or elderly people in the population it will mean an additional strain on national economy and power. But on the other hand if there are more youths, it can render immense help to the national economy as well as the military power.
TECHNOLOGY Technology is often defined as “applied science” and reflects the actual adoption of new methods and products; it is the triumph of the new over the old.” Technology affects only the power base of a state but also the entire courses of international politics. Three areas of technological progress have particularly affected international relations viz., Industrial technology adds to the power of the country by creating economic surplus. It can also free a country from dependence other countries for raw materials.
For EX.USA discovered synthetic rubber as a substitute for raw rubber and got rid of the problem connected with import of rubber from South-East Asia. With the discovery of nuclear energy it is possible for the states to produce electricity even without rivers. But technology in the military sphere has played most significant role. Britain was able to her vast colonial because of her superior military technology.
ORGANIZATION AND LEADERSHIP The organisation and leadership are the most important element of national power because ultimately they alone operate to convert a potential into a realised power. A country may have good location, plenty of natural and human resources, yet it may not be able to play an effective role in the international relations due to weak organisation and leadership.
Leadership is very essential for the progress and prosperity of a nation. It paves the way for national power. Because of their leadership quality Napolean in France and Hitler in Germany rose in prominence and achieved tremendous things. During the second world war, the allies got great victory because of the Leadership quality of churchill.
RESOURCES The national power of a state is mainly determined on the basis of its industrial and military powers. But no country can develop an industrial base and raw materials. While natural resources are the gifts of nature and includes most minerals, flora, fauna, fertility of soil, waterfall etc. But the resources by themselves do not create power. These have to be exploited and their exploitation requires capital, technical, know-how and skilled labour. For example the iron desposits in Brazil were exploited with help of American loans and technical assistance.
Apart from that, certain raw materials like coal, oil, iron etc are also vital for the national power. The abundance of coal in Britain provided the base for the industrial revolution in that country. similarly coal deposits played an important part in the development of western Europe.
MILITARY ELEMENT The military elements is another important factor of national power because ultimately all nations are forced to depend on its own system of security and power. The military element of national powers depends both on the quantity and quality of its armed forces. A country with the large number of armed personnel is always powerful. From the quality point of view the nature of training morale of army,and military leadership are of great help in promotion of national power. Another important aspect of military determinants of national power is the quality of arms and ammunition.