Debugging for Android 1 CS440
Debugging for Android You have three options: Android Debug Bridge (ADB) Dalvik Debug Monitor Device (DDMS) Device or AVD (Android Virtual Device) Additional static analyzer for Eclipse: FindBugs CS440 2
Developing for Mobile Devices Hardware-Imposed Design Considerations: Low Processing Power Limiter RAM Limited permanent storage capacity Small screens High costs associated with data transfer Slow data transfer rates, high latency Unreliable data connections Limited battery life CS440 3
Good Practices Be efficient Think about memory Consider small screens, touch screens Expect low speeds, high latency Think about cost CS440 4
Developing for Android Performance /performance.html Responsiveness Application must respond to user action within 5 secs Broadcast receiver must return from its onReceive handler within 10 secs Seamlessness Security CS440 5
What makes an app? Activities: presentation layer Services: invisible workers Content Providers: databases Intents: message-passing framework Broadcast receivers: broadcast consumers Widgets: components added to home screen Notifications: signal users without interrupting their current activities CS440 6
References Professional Android 2 Application Development (Wrox Programmer to Programmer) by Reto Meier CS440 7