R10 GINI Global Integrated Network of IEEE students Let our dreams come true!!!


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Presentation transcript:

R10 GINI Global Integrated Network of IEEE students Let our dreams come true!!!

LINK in a Nutshell The purpose of LINK was to act as a conjunctive body, ensemble the Student Branches coming under IEEE Kerala Section GOALS Add Value to IEEE Student membership. Sustain smooth and ongoing interactions among the Student Branches and Section. Help the Student Branches in coordinating with Annual Reports as well as other IEEE related documentations. Conduct Membership Drives in all the interested Educational Institutions LINK takes the responsibility of coordinating and grooming the new Student Branches in the initial years. Identify potential volunteers and groom them to take up the leadership of LINK as well as other IEEE activities in the forthcoming year.

LINK Activities Committee with one member from each student branch, term- 1 year Monthly on line meetings, quarterly face to face meetings 3 month activity plan, also nurturing weak SBs, aim for new SBs

LINK Impact In SBs(3 active, 7 dormant) In SBs(35 active, 4 dormant) Now, student members participate in INTER SB activities in year adding value to membership (Reserve seats for other branches-mandatory for funding) Help local section to maximise utilization of funds New officer reporting, smooth transition of committee etc

IEEE R10 GINI (Global Integrated Network of IEEE students) Five year project to integrate all student branches of R10 Based on the successful prototype in Kerala (LINK, Local Integrated Network of Kerala) for the past 4 years IEEE R10-GINI

GINI Advantages Stay Connected: Networking students in R10 Add value to IEEE membership. Help in sustaining the student branches Help in grooming new Student branches Help in grooming leaders for the next generation of IEEE and its activities. Help in retaining or converting a high percentage of student members to IEEE members from Region 10.

GINI Time line 2008: Few Pilot sections to be identified, start coordination activities and establish HUBs 2009: Addition of new sections-Expansion of Pilot projects 2010: Establishing R10 GINI at Council level 2011: Expansion of R10 GINI 2012: Complete establishment of R10 GINI

GINI Work plan Pilot projects: Australia & Kiwis Hyderabad Karachi Delhi Beijing Chennai Upcoming pilot sections are Taiwan, Hong Kong

Areas of Concern Membership Drives IEEE Awareness Spectrum Issues Stabilizing IEEE Offices and the Volunteers Branch Counselor – Institution Management Issues

Activities as a Start A website to be created for us to integrate and network. This will be coordinated by Delhi Pilot Project. R10-GINI will go online on February 14 th

Networking around Two Levels of Committees Level 1 : R10 GINI Working Team Level 2: Section GINI Committee

R10 GINI Committee A committee at R10 level RSAC, RSR and 3 members from each pilot project ( atleast 1 should be a female) Suggestion to R10 EXECOM, to have a representative exclusively from GINI into the team.

Working Structure Mails Online Discussions – 1 in 14 days, to keep it regularly and have constant review of the activities and its developments Face to Face meetings – We are planning to have a face to face meeting, once in 3 months.

Section GINI Committee A committee at Section level, with 2 student members from each SBs that will be chaired by three representing in the R10 GINI Committee Will closely work with the Section and SAC.

Thank you Prijoe Philips Komattu IEEE Member : Mob: