Serving society Stimulating innovation Supporting legislation Meeting on OGC Sensor Observation Service (SOS) for INSPIRE Alessandro Oggioni CNR - IREA Institute for Electromagnetic Sensing of the Environment ITALY
Previous SOS experiences Scope: share ecological observation for LTER Network (International Long Term Ecological Research) and marine measurements. Within of a Life+ Project (EnvEurope) and the RITMARE Italian Flagship Project Delivered content: long time series of environmental (chemical, physical and biological) parameters for the freshwater, marine and forest ecosystems, collected by weather stations (single point) or during research surveys (trajectories or water column profilers) Technologies / software used: implementation of 52°North from 3.2v to 4.0v, tested also IstSOS by SUPSI (CH). A JavaScript (ExtJs, GeoExt, OpenLayers) client for visualization and download obs and a Java client for import observations and creation SensorML. Both clients have been developed by us.
Existing connections to INSPIRE Other download services available: WFS for share data and boundaries of environmental area (lakes, marine areas, woods, etc.) where the observation are collected Cross-reference of download services: Web Processing Service (WPS) to process the observations to researchers. WPS were made by R (e.g. sos4R, …)
Discussion: Why an INSPIRE/SOS? What would be the benefits of adding SOS as an additional option for implementing the INSPIRE download service is a good idea? 1.Harmonization/interoperability in term of data structure, unit of measure, etc. especially to combine obs from different domains; 2.Semantic annotation in sensor/platform description 3.Discover and evaluation the quality of observations from SensorML
Discussion: Technical issues What possible technical issues or blocking factors do you see for developing TGs and an implementation of an SOS-based INSPIRE download service? The learning curve to know O&M and SensorML is very hard. Solution: Implementation of suite for the automation of workflow for dummies. 1.Sensors/platforms description inside to device 2.Upload obs in the SOS directly from sensors/platforms 3.Distribution of software suite for share obs
Discussion: Wish list Which features would you like to see in an INSPIRE download service for observation data? 1.Discovery service to compare the observed property of different SOS endpoint (list of parameters, time stamp, quality, calibration, etc.; 2.Processes (WPS??) to converts unit of measurement of same observed property from different SOS; 3.Quality control for each observations; 4.…