Automated GOLEs and Fenius: Pragmatic interoperability Winter Joint Techs 2011 Clemson, SC Evangelos Chaniotakis, ESnet Network Engineer Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
2 Lawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryU.S. Department of Energy | Office of Science Introductions GLIF: Global Lambda Integrated Facility – Many participants: NRENs, exchanges, sites, companies GOLE: GLIF Open Lightpath Exchange – Many GLIF participants operate a GOLE Automated GOLE Task Force – Founded in 2010 with the objective of automating lightpath provisioning across multiple GOLEs – Current chair: Jerry Sobieski – Close collaboration with GNI API Task Force, OGF NSI, NML GNI API Task Force: – Founded in 2008 with the objective of developing a common API between circuit provisioning services – Chair: Evangelos Chaniotakis
3 Lawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryU.S. Department of Energy | Office of Science GLIF map
4 Lawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryU.S. Department of Energy | Office of Science Motivation The research community has a global, well connected “network of networks” Many networks provide some circuit-oriented service, And, it is becoming increasingly common for these circuits to be “stitched” across multiple networks, SC09: ~20 L2 circuits. SC10: ~50, SC11: ? Stitching these “by hand” is s l o w – and cuasesss errors. Software does exist to automate circuit provisioning.... But it generally doesn’t work when stitching, Because we don’t have a common provisioning toolkit
5 Lawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryU.S. Department of Energy | Office of Science Fenius A simple common provisioning API and toolkit + Just good enough to support common stitching case today, + Software that implements it, + That works with existing provisioning software, + Motivation for network operators to deploy & operate, = (the potential for) Global Interoperability
6 Lawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryU.S. Department of Energy | Office of Science Automating the GOLEs Several GOLEs committed network and human resources for a one-year test drive of automation, The Fenius software project by GNI API Task Force was decided be used as a thin interoperability layer. Fenius instances were deployed to Automated GOLE sites The various NRMs were configured to work with Fenius, Topology information was collected, PerfSONAR PingER nodes are deployed to test the data plane Weekly calls to keep the project alive & kicking
7 Lawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryU.S. Department of Energy | Office of Science Automated GOLE Deployment Asia: – JGN2+, AIST, KDDI USA: – ESnet SDN, Internet2 ION & MANLAN, – StarLight, USLHCnet, Caltech Europe: – Netherlight, CERNLight, University of Amsterdam, – NorthernLight, PSNC, CERNLight,
8 Lawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryU.S. Department of Energy | Office of Science Global Deployment
9 Lawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryU.S. Department of Energy | Office of Science PingER Demonstration JGN2+ PingER KDDI PingER UvA PingER PSNC PingER JGN2+ KDDI StarLight, USLHCnet, Internet2 ION, NetherLight, PSNC
10 Lawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryU.S. Department of Energy | Office of Science Demonstration control plane JGN2+ PingER KDDI PingER UvA PingER PSNC PingER JGN2+ IDC KDDI G-Lambda StarLight Argia, USLHCnet IDC, Internet2 ION IDC, NetherLight DRAC, PSNC, Fenius SuperAgent
11 Lawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryU.S. Department of Energy | Office of Science Demonstration
12 Lawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryU.S. Department of Energy | Office of Science Fenius Components Common provisioning API over web services, Translation framework for Java (optional) Translators for IDC, G-lambda, Harmony, dynamicKL Native implementation in OpenDRAC, Scriptable command-line client Web UI “Superagent” with topology and pathfinding Monitoring and visualization (in progress)
13 Lawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryU.S. Department of Energy | Office of Science Translation Framework Common Web UI Client Common Web UI Client G-lambda Common API G-lambda Translator G-lambda Translator IDC Common API IDC Translator IDC Translator Common Command-Line Client Common Command-Line Client Common Monitoring Client Common Monitoring Client DRAC Common API
14 Lawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryU.S. Department of Energy | Office of Science Challenges and lessons learned Be enthusiastic and believe in your project Getting collaborators interested can be difficult – Get buy-in from their management Resources can be unreliable – Get buy-in from their management (and yours) Remember to account for differences in time zones, language, culture Once project gains momentum, keep the ball rolling Keep away from politics Make sure everyone has a chance to contribute You will need to work long hours
15 Lawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryU.S. Department of Energy | Office of Science Future directions Deploy in more networks, Implement missing features, Extend API and toolkit (keeping it simple!), Gain support from more network management software, Harden software & make it operational, Improve user interface Better documentation Take over the world! :)
16 Lawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryU.S. Department of Energy | Office of Science Special Thanks Frank Blankman Scott Campbell Joan Garcia Espin John Graham Jeroen van der Ham Takatoshi Ikeda Nils Jacobson Gigi Karmous-Edwards Tomohiro Kudoh Kavitha Kumar Ali Lahlou Andrew Lake Tom Lehman Mathieu Lemay John MacAuley Gerben van Malenstein Edoardo Martelli Takahiro Miyamoto Azher Mughal Fumihiro Okazaki Jan Radil Jordi Ferrer Riera Sandor Rosza Ryousei Takano Thomas Tam Jin Tanaka Alan Verlo John Vollbrecht Fred Wan Xi Yang