2015 Accelerated Post- World War Two and Modern Japan Lesson Plan Date and Number Your Papers: Wednesday, June 10, 2015 Thursday, June 11, 2015 Friday, June 12, 2015: Writing Prompts and Maps Due At End of Class
Day One: Wednesday, June 10, 2015 Quiet Question: Type Two Prompt---Get out your Post-Mao Graphic Organizer Notes to use with this prompt. You will be assigned one of the ten documents on Modern China to work with. You are to answer the corresponding questions. Modern China DBQ Documents: a)Document One: “China Trade Report Better Than Expected” b)Document Two: “Rural Exodus for Work Fractures Chinese Family” c)Document Three: “Chinese Women Struggle to Climb Political Ladder” d)Document Four: “Wages Rise in China as Businesses Court the Young” e)Document Five: “Chinese Women Fight to Shake off Leftover Label” f)Document Six: IMF World Economic Outlook Economic Growth in China Chart g)Document Seven: “Reports of Forced Labor Unsettle China” h)Document Eight: “China’s Biggest Problems are Political, not Economic” i)Document Nine: “Freedom of Speech” Political Cartoon j)Document Ten: “Reformers Aim to Get China to Live Up to Own Constitution” Class: Have students present their documents to the class. Use to summarize modern China.
Day One: Wednesday, June 10, 2015 Class: We will now take a look at what happened to Japan after World War Two. To help introduce us to the rebuilding process for Japan, the teacher is going to assign you one of the images from the Class Set to examine and respond to. Image Analysis: a)What do you see? Describe it. What events do you think this image is from? b)What are your thoughts and reactions? Why?
Day One: Wednesday, June 10, 2015 Class: Students will share their Image Analysis with the class. Use to introduce the PowerPoint Lecture on Post-War Japan. You are to take notes in the provided graphic organizer. Homework: Work on the East Asia Unit Study Guide for the Final Exam.
Day Two: Thursday, June 11, 2015 Class: The teacher is going continue with the Post-War Japan PowerPoint Lecture. You are to continue to take notes. Homework: Work on the East Asia Unit Study Guide for the Final Exam.
Day Three: Friday, June 12, 2015 Class: The teacher is going to finish the Post-War Japan PowerPoint Lecture. You are to finish taking notes. Rest of Class: Make sure all your Writing Prompts and Maps are complete. Separate them from the lesson plans. Paperclip them together and turn them in to be graded by the end of the class period. Homework: Finish up the East Asia Unit Study Guide for the Final Exam. Study for the Final using the following resources: South Asia Unit Study Guide First South Asia Unit Test End of South Asia Unit Test East Asia Unit Study Guide First East Asia Unit Test