Natural Power Generation The New FG Wilson Gas Genset Range 11 - 31kVA FG Wilson gas product
The New FG Wilson Gas Genset Range Isuzu powered gas genset 1.8 Litre, naturally aspirated High speed and low speed Ford powered gas genset 2.5 Litre, naturally aspirated FG Wilson gas product
The New FG Wilson Gas Genset Range Capitalise on the benefits of gas fuelled power generation with FG Wilson... Gensets ready to run, easily installed Single & three phase, 50 & 60 Hz Dedicated gas engines Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) or natural gas operation …compact gas product order book open 7th May 2001 FG Wilson gas product
Compact Gas Product Range Voltage range: Single phase 240V, 230V, 220V Three phase 415/240, 400/230, 380/220 Three phase based on 0.8 power factor FG Wilson gas product
Compact Gas Product Range Voltage range: Single phase 240/120V, 220/110V Three phase 220/127 Three phase based on 0.8 power factor FG Wilson gas product
Compact Gas Product Range Compact design Packed with standard features Range of voltages & options Isuzu powered gas genset LPG or Natural Gas operation Prime and standby ratings FG Wilson designed fuel mixing / governing system Ford powered gas genset FG Wilson gas product
Compact Design Packed with Features `Ready to Run` specification Installed battery and cables Lube oil drain & valve on sidebeam Coolant drain & valve on sidebeam Gas train complete with regulator & solenoid valve Alternator IP23 rated Ford FGE1S gas genset FG Wilson gas product
FG Wilson Design Fuel System Better Fuel Mixing / homogeneity of mixture Improved governing, increased stability and 100% load acceptance. Conforms to ISO8528 G2 Fuel mixing set at factory for optimum performance Consistent, reliable governing Every time - all the time Less wear & tear - no linkage Venturi type fuel mixer & speed control Fuel mixing system model FG Wilson gas product
2001K Control Panel Standard features include: Autostart - 2 wire Easy customer connection Low coolant level shutdown Volt free contacts for common alarm Battery charger ammeter Voltage adjust potentiometer 2001K control panel specifically designed for small gas product FG Wilson gas product
Full Range of Options CE certified sound attenuating canopy from 84 LWA Canopy features include: Machinery Directive compliant guards Internal residential silencer Lockable doors Emergency stop Rodent guards as standard F28E1 in a sound attenuating canopy FG Wilson gas product
Full Range of Options Access 4000 available in July `01 Other options include Low gas pressure alarm or Low coolant level alarm Alternator and coolant heaters Battery chargers 4 Pole breaker Earth leakage protection Gas Installation kit Institute gas engineers IGE/UP/3 Filter Additional regulator High and low gas pressure cut off valves Non return valve Steel braided gas supply hose FG Wilson gas product
Benefits of Gas Fuelled Power Generation Environmentally friendly Clean, long life fuel Fuel - pay as you use Ease of installation Low noise Developing gas network FG Wilson gas product
Proven Track Record Gensets currently serve the demanding North American market 4000 units sold since August 1998 Field proven reliability Thousands of satisfied customers FG Wilson gas product
Existing Large Gas Product Range 130 - 1750kVA, 50 & 60 Hz Perkins and Deutz engines Continuous operation Solutions engineered Perkins 2006 gas genset FG Wilson gas product
Global Market drivers Regulatory or preferential choice of no fuel tanks Emissions - Low Nox, CO Natural gas and LPG readily available in many places FG Wilson gas product
Target Markets Where can I sell a gas instead of a diesel genset...? Spillage and noise sensitive applications Inner city standby applications Water treatment facilities Tower block fuel storage Existing businesses using gas as primary heat source Bakeries and industrial dry cleaners Hotels and hospitals Municipal facilities - heater and chiller applications Industrial applications adjacent to gas fields FG Wilson gas product
Dealer Support Dealer support Product bulletin Specification sheets Product brochures Gas quality engine derate Altitude and ambient temperature derate Help desk support FG Wilson gas product
Serviceable Parts Availability All Serviceable Parts Included in IMPACT Parts Catalogues Issue 2.3 Available July `01 Fast and Medium Moving Parts Now Held in Stock at CLS Manchester Recommended Dealer Stock Lists Included in IMPACT 2.3 FG Wilson gas product
NPI Service Training NPI Technical Training Provided Training $ FOC to Dealers Dealer Covers Their Travel Expenses Training Includes IMACT Parts Identification Warranty Policy & Claim Process FG Wilson gas product
Future Development The road ahead... Access 4000 30 -100 kW available Sound attenuating canopies Prototype 30 -100kW CAE canopy FG Wilson gas product