Region 1 March Meeting Downtown Hartford Marriott – 10 March 2012 Region 1 Conference Coordinator Report Charles Rubenstein Pratt Institute - SILS
R1 BoG Agenda Items Conference Coordinator (Rubenstein) – 40 minutes –General Information –iStep (Rubenstein) –Area Days (Perkins, Pellegrino, Shay, Loui) –IEEE-USA 2014 Annual Meeting Plans (Providence Section) –Sections Congress 2014 Planning
General Information
R1 Conferences R1 Student Conference (including Joint R1/R2 event) R1 Innovation Day, Industry Day, etc. CANEUS/IEEE Fly-By-Wireless Workshop (Co-sponsor) IEEE Sections Congress 2011 : August 2011 (San Francisco, CA) LISAT Conference Trenton Computer Festival WIE Conferences (Joint R1/R2 events) NEW EVENTS CREATED DURING : Smart Grid for Practitioners (SG4P) Signal Processing in Medicine & Biology Symposium (SPMB) iSTEP; held one per area; Oct-Nov 2011
R1 Conference Coordinator Please make sure to include me on all local conference plans and discussions. Although I am involved in the Metropolitan Area Workshop (MAW) and other conferences in our region, Do NOT presume that I have been notified about an event in your Section or under your Region position. Please keep me informed about WIE, GOLD, PACE, etc., conference opportunities. See next slide. 2/8/2014 5
2012 IEEE Meetings Information IEEE-USA Annual Meeting: Cincinnati,OH 3-6 May LISAT Conference: Farmingdale 4 May 35 th Sarnoff Symposium: Newark May IEEE Meeting Series II: Boston 28 June – 2 July R1 Annual Meeting: Newark 18 August R1 Booth: World Maker Faire NY Queens September Metropolitan Area Workshop: Southern Area October IEEE Meeting Series III*: New Brunswick 8-12 November Smart Grid for Practitioners: Brooklyn November Sig. Processing in Med. & Bio.: Brooklyn 1 December * The November IEEE Meeting Series are held in New Brunswick, NJ
PROJECT DESCRIPTION/SCOPE PROJECT CORE TEAM Charles Rubenstein : iSTEP Project Manager/PI Soon Wan: 2011 iSTEP Co-Chair Ravi Todi : 2011 iSTEP Co-Chair Jignasa Ray : 2012 iSTEP Co-Chair iSTEP COMMITTEE: Area Chairs, D-E and Director. GOLD, SAC, PACE, WIE and Life Member Chairs. Local iSTEP Event Chairs DELIVERABLES New Graduation Package: - in progress Revised Congratulations Package - in progress iSTEP training events at Region 1 Area Meetings - DONE Validation of iSTEP success. - in progress Detailed plan for iSTEP expanded roll-out in 2012 & in progress, changes to be implemented Spring 2012 mentoring piece being reevaluated. Project: Region 1 – iSTEP – 2011 Progress Design, implement and test "iSTEP" -an enhanced and revitalized STEP/Mentoring Program in each of the Region's four Areas in the remaining months of The 2011 iSTEP Working Group includes our Membership, GOLD, SAC, PACE, WIE and Life Member Chairs, the Area Chairs, D-E and Director. Subsequent WGs expect the 3Ds to contribute. (Area Chairs to lead their Area events) 2011 BUDGET & PROJECT METRICS Project Funded Budget: $10K, Region Matching Budget: $10K Budget Spent/ Committed $20K+ (Project Started 8/1) 100% of Budget spent with most of project complete. Forecast : $10K MGA and $10K Region 1 Actual: $10K MGA and $10K+ Region 1 PROJECT SUCCESS – METRICS Region 1 Students to GSM/Higher-Grade membership retention rate - > 50% = TBD Number of mentor/mentee Relationships matched - > 20 annual iSTEP Event Attendance - 50 per area event ISTEP Program Funding – Self Sustain by 2014 MilestoneTarget Completion % Complete Project Approved8/1100 % Working Group Telecons12/31/11100% Face-to-face meetingRev.12/17/11100% Grad Pack Approved11/30/1125% Congrat Letter Approved11/30/1125% Advertising of iSTEP12/31/11100% iSTEP &Area Training Event12/31/11100% Mentoring collocated iSTEP12/31/1125% 8
Project: Region 1 – iSTEP 9 Project Highlights and Results: An iSTEP announcement was created. Four iSTEP events were scheduled, advertised, and run. Each of the four Areas of Region 1 had an iSTEP event coupled with training of the local Section Chairs and interested members. Only reached about students at each event due to late start. Feedback was evaluated and a face-to-face training session held Plans are in process to incorporate iSTEP training in the 2012 R1 SAC and 2012 R1 Training Workshop. iSTEP materials and letters are in prgoress and expected to be completed 2011 Project Metrics Evaluation - iSTEP Model Changes: Number of mentor/mentee Relationships matched - > 20 annual The original iSTEP Mentoring Model was not possible to accomplish in a single afternoon. Instead an overview of mentoring possible through IEEE activities is presented.
2012 Area Days postponed to maximize MAW Planning, iSTEP 2012 Area Days postponed to maximize MAW Planning, iSTEP
IEEE-USA 2014 Annual Meeting Plans (Providence Section)
Sections Congress 2014 Planning August 2014 Amsterdam, Netherlands (AMS airport) See what your section can do to earmark funds to cover the travel expenses of your Section Primary Delegate and reps… A check of airfare yesterday showed for travel JFK-AMS 9 Aug – 13 Aug 2012 is $1300
Dont Forget Tonight!
In closing… Let me know how Region 1 can help you create a local conference in YOUR Section this year!