JOIN IEEE & BECOME A MEMBER OF XXX SECTION 27 March 2017 JOIN IEEE & BECOME A MEMBER OF XXX SECTION <audience/event> <Date> <speaker’s name> <speaker’s title> <speaker’s entity> Updated on 30 September 2009
27 March 2017 JOIN IEEE Join the World's Largest Technical Professional Association. You make a difference when you join IEEE. IEEE membership helps support the IEEE mission of promoting the engineering profession for the benefit of humanity and the profession. Membership also enables affordable student membership, funds university program accreditation and helps introduce technology careers to young people around the world. Join IEEE at Join the World's Largest Technical Professional Association. IEEE is the world's largest technical society, bringing members access to the industry's most essential technical information, networking opportunities, career development tools, and many other exclusive benefits.
IEEE Membership: From 1 January through 31 December 27 March 2017 Join IEEE IEEE Membership …. IEEE Membership & Society Membership Dues IEEE Membership: From 1 January through 31 December Membership in IEEE's Technical Societies involves additional dues All IEEE members are given online access to Potential magazine as part of their basic IEEE membership. IEEE membership runs from 1 January through 31 December. NEW applications received between 16 August 2007 and 28 February 2008 will automatically be processed at the full year dues rates. Services begin immediately. NEW applications received between 1 March and 15 August 2008 will automatically be processed for half-year membership ending 31 December 2008 at the half-year dues rates. Membership in IEEE's Technical Societies involves additional dues. All IEEE members are given online access to Potential magazine as part of their basic IEEE membership.
Geographic Activities 27 March 2017 Geographic Activities Geographic Activities The IEEE is divided into ten geographic regions worldwide. Within those regions are more than 325 local Sections and with over 1,700 Technical Chapters that unite local members with similar technical interests. Members of the IEEE automatically become members of their local IEEE Section, allowing them to share technical, professional and personal interests with others in IEEE's worldwide member community. All members are encouraged to participate in their respective Section activities to keep them aware of pertinent information related to their local unit and IEEE. Sections participate in socials, award banquets, and educational career workshops The members of the Section are involved in activities that meet their needs and further the missions of IEEE. The purpose of Section activity is to share technical, professional and personal interests with others in the local member community. Upon joining IEEE, members automatically become members of their local IEEE Section. All members are encouraged to participate in their respective Section activities to keep them aware of pertinent information related to their local unit and IEEE. While the nature of most Section meetings is administrative, there are several other activities in which Sections participate including socials, award banquets, and educational career workshops.
Introduction to XXX Section
Give a brief history of your Section The Structure You may insert a photo representing your section, such as country, flag, local area, etc Give a brief history of your Section The Structure Student Branches, etc GOLD Insert some photos of past activities organized by the Section.
National Society Agreements Joint Awards with national societies XXX Section National Society Agreements Joint Awards with national societies Conferences Seminars & Workshops Social Networking Events
IEEE National Society Agreements 27 March 2017 XXX Section IEEE National Society Agreements More information can be found on the web at The IEEE has sixty four agreements with National Societies throughout thirty eight countries. Many of the IEEE Technical Societies have additional agreements signed with both the National Societies and industry associations. * Indicates membership discounts are available if individuals who are members of both IEEE and the national society. Australia IEAust, Institution of Engineers, Australia* China CUEI, China Union of Electrotechnology and Information Science* India IEI, Institution of Engineers, India IETE, Institute of Electronics and Telecommunications Engineers* Indonesia AEEE, Association of Electrical and Electronic Engineering of the Indonesian Institute of Engineers IABA, Indonesian Association of British Alumni Japan IEEJ, Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan IEICE, Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers IEICE/ISS, Institute of Electronics, Information & Communication Engineers/Information & Systems Society IEIJ, Illuminating Engineering Institute of Japan* IPSJ, Information Processing Society of Japan* ITE, Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers of Japan JSAP, Japan Society of Applied Physics JSSPRM, Japan Society for Science Policy and Research Management SICE, Society of Instrument and Control Engineers* Korea IEEK, Institute of Electronics Engineers Korea* KISS, Korea Information Society * Malaysia IEM, Institution of Engineers, Malaysia New Zealand IPENZ, Institution of Professional Engineers New Zealand* Pakistan IEP, Institution of Engineers, Pakistan* Philippines IECEP, Institute of Electronics and Communications Engineers of the Philippines* IIEE, Institute of Integrated Electrical Engineers of the Philippines, Inc.* PETEF, Philippines Electronics and Telecommunications Federation* Singapore IES, Institution of Engineers, Singapore* Vietnam REV, Radio-Electronics Association Vietnam*
XXX Section Joint Awards Established with National Societies 27 March 2017 XXX Section Joint Awards Established with National Societies More information can be found on the web at
Section/Chapter Sponsored / Co-sponsoredConferences 27 March 2017 XXX Section Section/Chapter Sponsored / Co-sponsoredConferences Search for IEEE Conferences in your location - Upcoming activities for your local section/chapter should be posted on your section’s website. R10 Sections website can be found - The records of past Section and Chapter meetings as reported can be found -
Social Networking Events 27 March 2017 XXX Section Seminars & Workshops Past Upcoming Social Networking Events Search for IEEE Conferences in your location - Upcoming activities for your local section/chapter should be posted on your section’s website. R10 Sections website can be found - The records of past Section and Chapter meetings as reported can be found -
Section Sponsored / Co-sponsored Conferences 27 March 2017 XXX Section Section Sponsored / Co-sponsored Conferences Search for IEEE Conferences in your location - Upcoming activities for your local section/chapter should be posted on your section’s website. R10 Sections website can be found - The records of past Section and Chapter meetings as reported can be found -
Local benefits for Members (if any) 27 March 2017 XXX Section Local benefits for Members (if any) R10 Sections website can be found - For example: - IEEE Financial Advantage Program The IEEE Financial Advantage Program (FAP) is a member benefit program developed to meet the professional and personal non-technical needs of IEEE members. IEEE Financial Advantage Program (FAP) offers non-technical benefits to members such as insurance products, financial services and product/services. Singapore Section - Diners Club (Credit Card) Telecommunication / Cable TV (Starhub) IEEE Expert Short Courses Hong Kong Section - IEEE Hong Kong Section Member Advantage Program Travel Agent (Four Seas Tour) Credit Card (Visa) Wiley-IEEE Press and Paddyfield: An Electric Combination
Local Section Statistic / Chart 27 March 2017 XXX Section Local Section Statistic / Chart Data to create your chart/s can be extracted from the following: Annual Statistic can be found online: LOG-IN (web account required) and click on <<View “YEAR” Statistics>> Membership Development: (on the right hand side) •Monthly Progress Reports •Regional and Sectional Membership Statistics •Membership Development Online Community SAMIEEE - If you should need more information with regards to your Section/Chapter, you can contact or
XXX Section Membership 27 March 2017 XXX Section Membership Data to create your chart/s can be extracted from the following: Annual Statistic can be found online: LOG-IN (web account required) and click on <<View “YEAR” Statistics>> Membership Development: (on the right hand side) •Monthly Progress Reports •Regional and Sectional Membership Statistics •Membership Development Online Community SAMIEEE - If you should need more information with regards to your Section/Chapter, you can contact or
Membership Development Coordinator: 27 March 2017 Contacts Chair: Email: Membership Development Coordinator: XXX Section formed in XXXX date IEEE Asia Pacific Operations Centre: Fanny Su & Ewell Tan R10 Sections website can be found -