Silverback / Mileposts Using Silverback’s Mileposts to Drive Improved Student Learning
Plans and Interventions on Home Page A quick and easy way to get to your class
Intervention Drop Down Our Philosophy is to close these every 6 weeks or each time the RTI round ends. This helps with teacher “buy in” and the efficacy of the interventions.
Narrative Cut and Paste A simple and consistent way to enter into interventions Silverback / Mileposts Review: Remediation: 40%ile and lower on MAP. Drop down- Tier 2- L.A. Instructional Strategies Tier 2- DPS Language Acquisition: 41%ile to 89%ile on MAP. Drop down- Tier 2- L.A. Instructional Strategies Tier 2- DPS Enrichment: 90%ile and higher on MAP. Drop down- L.A. Pullout for enrichment- DPS **PLEASE BE SURE TO EXIT ALL STUDENTS IN ALL INTERVENTIONS AND STATE WHAT THE OUTCOME IS. WE DO THIS NOW BECAUSE WE CAN ADD GROUPS AND HAVE WHICH RTI ROUND IT IS AS THE TITLE. Hours per week: If time is split 1.67 / 1 entire time is 3.33 BELOW IS THE PARAGRAPH TO COPY AND PASTE INTO THE NARRATIVE FOR THE INTERVENTION. Intervention: Skill deficit: MAP Reading Baseline data: Winter 2014 MAP ABOVE / BELOW 40%ile Measurable goal and timeline: At or above 40%ile Spring 2014 Instructional strategy (what, who, when): Researched based intervention listed above, teacher name, daily Assessment tool and time frame: MAP Spring 2014 Progress Monitor: Be sure to add new Benchmark data and new probe data Remember to PM all students in the yellow or red in AIMS. Classroom teachers are responsible for inputting (ALL) students data. Title and SPED will PM, but classroom teacher will input the data. Ending date MAY 16
Interventions for the Year Easy way to track students from year to year
Group Interventions Allows teachers to add numerous students into the interventions This is a new and quick way to put students into interventions. Students are grouped in the district and assessments tab based on standardized MAP testing or AIMS WEB (Ex- Any assessment probe). Students can be added and taken out easily.
Student Search District Assessments Easy way to track students from year to year
Environmental Adjustments This is more an FYI Tier. Our school will be adding more this next school year
Reports Page This is more of an administrator tab to look up information quickly
Behavior Incident by Location This school year we changed all referrals to majors. All minor referrals are to ng be a re-teaching opportunity
Individual Behavior Incident
Behavior Tier 2 This is a teacher driven plan
Behavior Tier 3 A more intense intervention for a highest needs students
Progress Monitor on Home Page A quick and easy way to get to your class
Progress Monitor Drop Downs Any student below the 40%ile is PM every other week. Next school year we are looking to add that any student in the 20%ile and lower is PM each week
Progress Monitor PSF Teachers are expected to put in the probe # and add any comments that would be beneficial.
Progress Monitor NWF Teachers are expected to put in the probe # and add any comments that would be beneficial.
Progress Monitor R-CBM Teachers are expected to put in the probe # and add any comments that would be beneficial.
Questions or Concerns? Assessment bank for Common Core is also coming soon. Our school is looking to add Reading Street assessments (our core reading program) into the assessment portal or progress monitoring.
Contact Information Marcia Rausch- Director of Client Services for Milepsost Phone: / Corey Davidson- Instructional Facilitator Douglas Primary School Phone: Work: Cell /