IEEE LTSC Digital Rights Expression Language (P1484.4) 1 IEEE P LTSC Digital Rights Expression Language (DREL) – Status Update Magda Mourad – Chair Jon Mason – Technical Editor Dec. 1st, 2003
IEEE LTSC Digital Rights Expression Language (P1484.4) 2 P PAR Title: –Recommended Practice for Digital Rights Expression Languages (DRELs) Suitable for eLearning Technologies Timeline –A new PAR development process started on December –The PAR was completed and received by the IEEE Standards Office on February 17 th, –The above PAR was approved by the NesCom on May 15 th, –Organization of WG activities started on March 17 th, 2003.
IEEE LTSC Digital Rights Expression Language (P1484.4) 3 P – Purpose The purpose of this project is to facilitate the creation, management and delivery of digital content for eLearning by technology that implements digital rights expression languages.
IEEE LTSC Digital Rights Expression Language (P1484.4) 4 P – Scope This project will produce a recommended practice or guide identifying digital rights requirements for eLearning technologies. These requirements will be aligned with the most widely known standards-based specifications for digital rights expression languages that are being adopted or developed by international, regional, national and private organizations and consortia. The recommended practice will determine what, if any, extensions are needed so that these digital rights expression languages can meet the identified requirements. The working group intends to submit a recommended practice or guide for balloting within one year.
IEEE LTSC Digital Rights Expression Language (P1484.4) 5 Main Tasks and Status Update Main TasksStatusOngoing Activity Identifying digital rights requirements for eLearning technologiesCompleted Phase 1 Generating a detailed Document Identifying widely known standards-based specifications for digital rights expression languages CompletedIdentifying Experts The recommended practice will determine what, if any, extensions are needed In ProgressDetailed Analysis of identified requirements The working group intends to submit a recommended practice or guide for balloting
IEEE LTSC Digital Rights Expression Language (P1484.4) 6 Identified Rights Expression Languages LanguageExpert Open Digital Rights Language (ODRL )Susanne Guth (Academia, Austria) MPEG Rights Expression Language (MPEG REL)Manuel Ham (Content Guard) Open e-Book Forum (OeBF)Manuel Ham (Content Guard) Metadata Encoding Transmission Standard METS - (DLF & LOC)Jerome McDonough (NYU) IEEE Standard for Information Technology – Software Reuse, IP Rights Framework (IEEE Std b-1999) ???