Educational Activities 2013 Karen Panetta R1 Educational Activities March 2013
The communication strategy for Educational Activities. A Sections Educational Outreach committee (SEOC) has been formed by EAB (Educational Activity Board) Goal is to create a dialog between regions/chapters and IEEE EAB. Each Region has a representative on this committee. –Karen Panetta represents R1
SEOC Charter Mission To identify and facilitate the educational needs of the public, the profession and IEEE members. Scope The SEOC will have the lead responsibility within EAB for building and maintaining strong working relationships with IEEE Regions, Sections and Chapters in order to work with these organizational units as partners. Functions serve as a focal point for identifying opportunities and facilitating the implementation of various activities and programs of the EAB in IEEE Regions/Sections/Chapters; and provide updates on educational products and services and to inform Regions/Sections/Chapters about educational opportunities to meet their educational needs.
What does this mean to R1 Chapters?? Each chapter is to appoint an Educational Activities coordinator. –This is a different position than an SAC coordinator. These EAs bring awareness to IEEE educational products, services. IEEE EAB SEOC will provide training for EAs. EAs will provide ideas on activities and best practices.
Section EA coordinator IEEE Educational Activities volunteers and staff are responsible for coordinating the educational activities of the IEEE by developing educational programs to ensure (1) The technological literacy of pre-university students, (2) the continuous maintenance and improvement of engineering education programs through active participation in accreditation activities, and (3) the development of continuing education products and services that serve the professional development and lifelong learning needs of electro-technology professionals worldwide. The Section Educational Activities Chair assists in these efforts by coordinating local educational activities programs for IEEE members and developing educational programs to encourage the technological literacy of pre-university students. The usual term of office for the position of Educational Activities Chair is one year. Term of office begins in January until the end of December.
The Sections Educational Activities Coordinators is provided. Please update if necessary for your section and me if it is incorrect. If your section does not have an EA coordinator, the SEOC requests you appoint someone.
R1 Sections with Educational Activities Coordinators.
Thank you!