2010 OSEP Leadership Mega Conference Collaboration to Achieve Success from Cradle to Career Getting the Research Into Practice in Secondary Transition Resources You Can Use Susan Barlow, Parent Network of Western New York Catherine Fowler, National Secondary Transition Technical Assistance Center Jennifer Kemp, U.S. Dept. of Labor, Office of Disability Employment Policy Parent Strand S1-202
Our Agenda Identifying and understanding systems Partnerships in successful transitions Resources to build knowledge Using resources with families you serve
Transition is Lifelong
Why Does Transition Planning Matter? National Longitudinal Transition Study2 84% employed within 2 years of exit for pay 39% enrolled in any postsecondary NY Post-School Outcomes Study Over 70% of students who had paid/unpaid work experience were employed 1 year after leaving school
Why Does Transition Planning Matter? Strongest predictor of postsecondary employment and education: paid work in high school Predictor of postsecondary quality of life and postsecondary education: self-determination skills (Test et al., 2009)
Concept of the 3-legged Stool Student/ Family Educators Other Partners
Layers of Systems Federal Government State Distric t Your State Your District State Distric t
Layers of Systems FEDERAL HUD Services HHS Services DOJ Services WIA/VR Services DOL Services DOE Services SSI Services
Differences in Systems Entitlement Eligibility Funding for services Access to supports/ services Rights of families Acronym “alphabet soup”
Education Mandates – Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (2004) – Elementary & Secondary Education Act amendments (2001) – Postsecondary Education Act (2010…) – College and Career Ready common standards… Resources – National Secondary Transition TA Center – Other secondary transition resources
Purpose of IDEA To ensure that all children with disabilities have available to them a free appropriate public education that emphasizes special education and related services designed to meet their unique needs and prepare them for further education, employment, and independent living
Effective Instruction (evidence-based practices) ensure access to scientifically based instructional strategies (NCLB, 2001) use of scientifically based instruction with students with disabilities (IDEA, 2004)
What are we talking about? All combinations of terms are used Usage is NOT CONSISTENT across the field of education We cannot assume anything from the term alone (Detrich, Spencer, & Slocum, 2009)
Broad Definitions Have used rigorous research designs Have demonstrated a record of success for improving student outcomes Have undergone systematic review process using quality indicators to evaluate level of evidence Evidence- Based Practices Have used rigorous research designs Have demonstrated a record of success for improving student outcomes Research- Based Practices Developed based on research Have demonstrated limited success for effectiveness Have used a ‘weak’ research design Promising Practices Are not based on research No data have been collected Based on Anecdotal evidence and professional judgment exists Unestablished Practices
Evidence Based Resources Practice Descriptions Research to Practice Lesson Plans Predictors of Post-School Success Annotated Bibliographies* (e.g., Parent Involvement, Autism and Transition, Sexuality) Fact Sheets (e.g., Student Involvement in the IEP)
Predictors of Post-School Success Career Awareness Occupational Courses Paid Work Experiences Vocational Education Work Study Exit Exam Requirements/ Diploma Status Inclusion in General Education Program of Study
Predictors of Post-School Success Self-Advocacy/ Self-Determination Self-Care / Independent Living Social Skills Interagency Collaboration Parental Involvement Student Support Community Experiences Transition Program (Test et al., 2009)
Other Evidence-Based Practice Lists (in secondary transition) Secondary academic interventions Dropout prevention interventions and Interventions for students with autism and
Transition Planning A coordinated set of activities within a results-oriented process focused on improving the academic and functional achievement movement from school to post- school activities in education, training, employment, independent living, and/or community participation;…
Transition Planning …based on the individual’s needs, strengths, preferences, and interests includes instruction, related services, community experiences, the development of employment and other post-school adult living objectives, and, when appropriate, acquisition of daily living skills and functional vocational evaluation (IDEA, 2004).
State Performance Plan/ Annual Performance Report State’s plan to meet and state’s performance on 20 indicators (Part B) 4 specific to transition 1.% of youth who graduate 2.% of youth who drop out 13.% of youth with transition components in the IEP 14.% of youth employed and/or enrolled in postsecondary education 1 year after exit
SPP Part B Indicator 13 Percent of youth with IEPs aged 16 and above with an IEP that includes appropriate measurable postsecondary goals that are annually updated and based upon an age appropriate transition assessment, transition services, including courses of study, that will reasonably enable the student to meet those postsecondary goals, and annual IEP goals related to the student’s transition services needs.
SPP Part B Indicator 13 continued There must also be evidence that the student was invited to the IEP Team meeting where transition services are to be discussed and evidence that, if appropriate, a representative of any participating agency was invited to the IEP Team meeting with the prior consent of the parent or student who has reached the age of majority. (20 U.S.C. 1416(a)(3)(B))
Related Resources Indicator 13 Training Materials (examples and non-examples with 14 case studies) Presenter Guides (Indicator 13, Transition Assessment, Self- Determination) Toolkits (e.g., Transition Assessment) Summary of Performance video, annotated bibliography, webinar
How Families Guide & Support Transition Increase family’s awareness of student’s interests, strengths, and areas of struggle Educate family’s of the importance of students advocating for themselves in school and work settings Encourage exploration of career interests and aptitudes in the “real world,” through volunteer, summer, and part-time work Remind family’s to be flexible and persistent, not allowing an occasional set-back or disappointment to throw them off course
Educate Families About Self Determination Define Self Determination Why Self Determination Matters Self Determination in the family Self Determination Parent Questionnaire Acknowledge loss of control Encourage planning Plan Successful family meetings
Examples of Successful Partnerships Nationally – Secondary Transition State Planning Institutes – TA&D Network funded by OSEP – Partners in Transition meeting in 2008… State – Individual Learning Plans – Technical Assistance/ Professional Development efforts Locally
Guideposts for Success School-Based Preparatory Experiences Career Preparation and Work-Based Learning Youth Development and Leadership Connecting Activities Family Involvement and Supports
NCWD/Y Strives to ensure that youth with disabilities are provided full access to high quality services in integrated settings in order to maximize their opportunities for employment and independent living. youth.infowww.ncwd- youth.info Funded by U.S. Department of Labor's Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP).
Personal Assistance Services Making the Move to Managing Your Own Personal Assistance Services (PAS): A Toolkit for Youth with Disabilities Transitioning to Adulthood youth.info/pas-toolkithttp:// youth.info/pas-toolkit
411 Series The 411 on Disability Disclosure: A Workbook for Families, Educators, Youth Service Professionals, and Adult Allies Who Care About Youth with Disabilities disability-disclosure-for-adults disability-disclosure-for-adults Cyber Disclosure for Youth youth.info/cyber-disclosurehttp:// youth.info/cyber-disclosure
New Publications Individualized Learning Plans: A Research and Demonstration Project - Summary youth.info/ilp-summaryhttp:// youth.info/ilp-summary
Applications for YOUR Work Systems advocacy Participation in local and state councils Deep understanding of mandates and opportunities to serve families
Contact Us Susan Barlow, Parent Network of WNY, Catherine Fowler, NSTTAC, Jennifer Kemp, ODEP,