Social Security Disability Lecture 16
Disability in SS Reform Debate It is important to keep in mind that workers and retirees are not the only ones affected by reform debate Another key aspect of Social Security program is disability insurance (DI) How will disabled workers be affected by reform? 30% of all workers between 20 & 65 become disabled! Disabled 2 yrs…Medicare Eligibility
Eligibility for DI today Must have worked long enough – and recently enough – under Social Security At age 62, you need 40 credits, 20 of which were earned in the 10 years preceding the onset of disability Younger workers qualify with fewer credits Must meet the definition of disability
Eligibility Based on Work Credits Before age 24: You must have 6 credits in the 3-year period before disability Age 24 – 31: You must have worked half the time between age 21 and onset of disability. Ex: If become disabled at 27, you would need 3 years / 12 quarters of credit Ages 31 – 42: Need 20 quarters over 10 years 42 – 62: # quarters increases gradually to 40 at age 62+
Definition of Disability Inability to engage in “substantial gainful activity” SGA =$980/month 2009; $1,640/month if blind Only pays for total disability Unable to do the work you did before and SSA decides you cannot adjust to other work because of your medical condition Disability must last, or be expected to last, at least one year or result in your death
How SSA Decides if you are Disabled 1.Are you working and earning > $980 / month? If yes, you are not disabled. If no, go to 2. 2.Is your condition severe? Must interfere with work related activities 3.Is your condition on list of disabling activities? If so, and if severe, then disabled. If not, go to 4 4.Can you do work you did previously? If yes, then denied. If no, then go to 5. 5.Can you do any other type of work? Consider medical conditions, age, education, work experience and skills. If yes, then denied
Continuing Eligibility Can receive benefits for as long as disabled If health improves, may lose benefits If you go back to work, you may lose benefits Max. Individual Benefit: $2323 or 85% of pre- disability salary; Family: 150% x individual Benefit Periodic reviews If improvement is expected, you will be reviewed 6 – 18 months after benefits start If improvement is possible, you will be reviewed no sooner than three years If improvement is not expected, then you will be reviewed no sooner than seven years
Out of every 100 Applications About 57% of claims eventually approved 40 allowed upon initial claim / 60 denied Of the 60, 25 will appeal for reconsidration, and 4 of these accepted Of the 21 denied again, 19 appeal to a hearing, and 12 are approved Of the 7 denied at hearing, 5 appeal to appeals council review, and 1 is approved Fewer than 1 case in 100 enter Federal court
Further Discussion of DI Balancing Act Want to help those who are truly disabled But do not want to inefficiently subsidize those who are able to work (moral hazard) Disability determination is a time consuming and resource intensive process If reform Social Security, how will DI beneficiaries be affected? Reducing replacement rates may make more sense for retirement than for disability How integrate a system of personal accounts with DI?