Presented by Joan Leelodharry 20 th May 2009 Health Action Plans and Health Screening in South Warwickshire
What we did Health screening was completed by the community nursing team in South Warwickshire in A second round of screening took place in There are 17 GP Practices in the Warwick area and 19 in the Stratford area.
How we helped the doctors GP practices were enabled to set up a register Community nurses started to offer health action plans
During health action plans were completed
Other Projects in 2004 We held information days to tell everyone about health action plans We ran a healthy lifestyles group
The role of the acute liaison nurse was developed at Warwick hospital in 2004
Jeni Graham is the acute liaison nurse she is based at Warwick hospital. She helps patients who have a learning disability to get the best care when they are admitted to Warwick hospital
Presented by Lynne Bonnar 20 th May 2009 Health Action Plans and Health Screening in North Warwickshire and Rugby
What we did In North Warwickshire from health screening was offered to all GP practices and carried out by the community nursing team In Rugby the community nursing team offered health screening to all GP practices from There are 28 GP Practices in the North Warwickshire area this includes Rural North Warwickshire, Nuneaton and Bedworth. There are 12 GP Practices in the Rugby area.
How we helped the doctors GP practices were enabled to set up a register Community nurses started to offer health action plans
During health action plans were completed
The role of the acute liaison nurse was developed at George Eliot Hospital in There was no liaison nurse for nearly two years but we have had someone in post since March 2009
Sally Evans is the acute liaison nurse she is based at the George Eliot hospital with the hospital discharge team. She helps patients who have a learning disability to get the best care when they are admitted to the George Eliot hospital or attending other hospital departments.
Health facilitator and the acute liaison nurse to work more closely together
To re-start the Healthy Lifestyles programme
To run Well women and Well men groups
Training To help service users to become trainers
Promote the use of patient passports
Direct Enhanced Service – DES 2009 GP’s will get paid for inviting people with learning disabilities to have a health check You will be invited to have a health check every year
Direct Enhanced Service – DES We have completed four training sessions in Warwickshire with GP’s, Practice Managers and other Primary Care Staff.
Direct Enhanced Service – DES What the training covered What is a learning disability? How to identify people with a Learning Disability Understanding the health needs of a person who has a Learning Disability What a health check should cover Health action plans Overcoming barriers faced by people with Learning Disabilities Mental capacity and Discrimination Act.
Direct Enhanced Service – DES Feed back from the sessions has been positive Direct Enhanced Service Training has been completed and GP’s are now offering health checks
Transition Number of children leaving school in Stratford 4 in in in in in 2013
Transition Number of children leaving school in North Warwickshire area 10 in in in in 2012
To make sure that all Health Action plans include mental health and behavioural issues if they are appropriate to the person. To make sure that there is a system so that all health action plans are the best they can be. To talk with Children’s services to make sure that all school leavers have a Health Action Plan completed before they leave school. Best Practice