Update EU legislative affairs Pearle conference Geneva – agenda point May 2009
EMPLOYMENT & SOCIAL AFFAIRS 1. WORKING TIME DIRECTIVE What? Directive aiming at protecting H&S of workers, by establishing minimum rules on working time (2003) Why a review? ECJ Simap & Jaeger case: on-call time Other points of discussion: -Opt-out -Reference period -Work – family life balance -Multiple contract Position Council and EP (focus H&S protection) too far from each other => no agreement in conciliation phase Result: current legislation remains into force Commission to come with a new proposal P58882
EMPLOYMENT & SOCIAL AFFAIRS 2. PREGNANT WORKERS DIRECTIVE Impact assessment – EC proposal for revision in framework of work-life balance package -Extension minimum length maternity leave from 14 to 18 weeks -Full pay during 18 weeks -More rights (to come back/ to adapt working patterns / to return to same job) Legal basis = equal treatment (originally: H & S at work) State of play: EP on 6 May decided to postpone vote (argument leading committee to be Empl) Council: debate – particularly dual legal basis is at discussion P58883
EMPLOYMENT & SOCIAL AFFAIRS 3. REVISION OF THE PARENTAL LEAVE DIRECTIVE Cross-industry social partner agreement Proposal from Commission following consultation (work family life balance) Start negotiations: September 2008 – agreement to be reached in June 2009 Parental leave possibly to be prolonged from 3 to 4 months Income : non-negotiable for employers – to be dealt with at national level P58884
EMPLOYMENT & SOCIAL AFFAIRS 4. PROPOSAL FOR A NON-DISCRIMINATION COUNCIL DIRECTIVE BEYOND THE WORKPLACE Discrimination on grounds of age, disability, sexual orientation and religion or belief beyond the workplace Equal treatment of i.e. Access to and supply of goods & services available to the public State of play: ◦ EP opinion adopted in April, amendments of interests: -Access for persons with disabilities to e.g. culture and leisure, buildings open to the public -Permitted differences in treatment (free or reduced tariffs in culture…) ◦ Council: > Swedish presidency But 15/05 Businesseurope: letter to Czech presidency (competitiveness Council) to drop the proposal P58885
EMPLOYMENT & SOCIAL AFFAIRS 5. DISCRIMINATION AT THE WORKPLACE AND RETIREMENT AGE : OPINION FROM ECJ Age of retirement : competence of MS EU competence : equal treatment (Employment Equality directive) ECJ opinion UK-Age Concern: -an age limit for retirement is justifiable -the law does not need to list cases where differences of treatment on the ground of age is allowed (discrimination), when correct procedure has been followed See Pearle* in-house paper on this item P58886
EMPLOYMENT & SOCIAL AFFAIRS 6. COORDINATION OF SOCIAL SECURITY SYSTEMS Coordination / implementation Legislative process finalised (EP 2nd reading) Objective: modernisation of existing rules -More effective and closer cooperation between social security institutions -Simplifying and improving transparency of financial procedures -Flexibility and effectiveness in setting the rules P58887
THIRD-COUNTRY NATIONALS: IMMIGRATION PACKAGE 1. BLUE CARD ‘council directive on conditions of entry and residence of third-country nationals for the purpose of highly qualified employment’ purpose = attracting the best mobile brains State of play: Legislative process terminated Very limited scope of workers (Wage / Senior Position) Initially promising >< result: not of use for our sector 2. Council directive for a SINGLE APPLICATION procedure for third-country nationals for residence and work and common set of rights when longer than 6 months P58888
THIRD-COUNTRY NATIONALS 3. Directive on Sanctions against employers of illegally staying third-country nationals State of play: - EP voted in favour on19/02 - Last point of discussion sub-contracting: agreement EP & Council (to be dealt with in future legislation) P58889