Status of PNPI R&D for choice of the MUCH tracking base detector (this work is supported by INTAS) ■ Introduction ■ MICROMEGAS ■ GEM ■ MICROMEGAS+GEM ■ Future plans
Introduction CBM requirements : ● rate up to /cm 2 ∙s events in time <100 ns detector should be ready for next event high occupancy – thin granularity (especially in central region) ● not too high spatial resolution – σ~500μ ● low discharge probability ● radiation resistance As candidates to fulfill CBM requirements are considered MM/GEM base tracking detectors. Both types of detectors are working well in real experiments.
Main goals of R&D: - getting some experience in working with MM/GEM - finding practical technological solutions and requirements in building the detectors based on MM/GEM - choosing the working gas - estimating the descharge probability - estimating the efficiency - estimating the radiation rigidity - getting a competence for designing the prototypes for beam test
MICROMEGAS 75μ 3 mm cathode mesh Pillars made by chemical etching from photo-resistant layer 4mm between pillars, diameter of each pillar - 300μ, height - 75μ PCB (5x5 cm 2 ) PA First steps in MICROMEGAS study were made for 200μ and 100μ mesh-PCB gap. There was not pillars and mesh before gluing to the frame was strained. Results of that were shown at last CBM workshop. Main reason to move to the gap of 75μ was time width of the signal - full width was ~650 ns for 200μ gap and ~300 ns for 100μ (in Ar/CO2 gas mixture), and have working regime at lower HV (lower energy in discharge). Following work was made with gap of 75μ.
Metallic mesh Stainless steel woven mesh (wire - 30μ, cell - 50μ) taken from CERN was rolled and placed on the pillars without any stretch Ar/CO2 (90%/10%), 55 Fe Gas gain calculated with MAGBOLTZ Gas gain vs. voltage applied to the mesh, cathode voltage is constant =50V Estimated energy resolution ~ 15%
Combined metallic-plastic mesh Gas gain vs. cathode voltage, mesh voltage is constant =500V Gas gain vs. mesh voltage, cathode voltage is constant =1000 V Example of the spectrum (Fe 55 ) Ar/CO2 (90%/10%) Woven mesh (stainless steel/nylon wire – 30 μ, cell - 50 μ) taken from CERN did not have any stretch Energy resolution ~18%
Ar/CO2 (90%/10%) GEM (5x5 cm 2 ) was produced by CERN GEM Gas gain vs. voltage applied to GEM, cathode voltage is constant =1000V Example of the spectrum ( 55 Fe) Energy resolution ~ 12%
Combined GEM+MICROMEGAS (metallic mesh) 1)Uc=1200V, Ut=900 V, Ub=500 V, Um - variable 2) Uc=1200 V, Ub=500 V, Um=400 V, Ut –Ub - variable 3) Uc=1200 V, Ut – Ub=450 V, Um - variable Ar/CO2 (90%/10%)
Combined GEM+MICROMEGAS (metallic/plastic mesh) Spectra ( 55 Fe) for two different voltages at the mesh From CERN Ar/CO2 (90%/10%) Gas gain vs. voltage applied to the GEM, U mesh = 450 V, U cathode =1550 V
α- source 241 Am (5.5 MeV) response (gas gain ~ 6∙10 4 ) At the following stage for Micromegas we used rolled mesh of Russian production – stainless steel (wire - 32 μ in diameter and cell - 64μ). We saw the difference in gas gain of ~4 times for the same voltage applied in comparing to previous case (wire - 30 μ in diameter and cell – 50 μ). Qualitatively it looks reasonable. But quantitative estimations we will get later in special measurements for set of different mesh dimensions. Ar/CO2 (90%/10%)
MM+GEM, low voltage at MM (350 V) GEM alone MM+GEM Gas Gain vs. voltage applied to GEM MM Voltage is low (350 V) Note, GG at 440 V at GEM in case of MM+GEM is 40 times more then for single GEM Ar/CO2 (90%/10%)
GG vs. Voltage applied to the cathode. The modest GG Value (Um=350 V, Ugem=390 V) The same as previous but variable Voltage between GEM and Mesh Working points Ar/CO2 (90%/10%)
He/CO2 (90%/10%) gas mixture
Comparison between Ar/CO2 and He/CO2 Signals ( 55 Fe) measured by the scope Full width (Ar/CO2) ~ 180 ns Full width (He/CO2) ~ 100 ns Changing distance between GEM and MICROMEGAS to mm and using HE/CF4 should decrease the collecting time to ~ 50 ns
Comparison between Ar/CO2 and He/CO2
He/CO2 (90%/10%) Gas gain vs. voltage in the mesh-gem region Gas gain vs. voltage in the gem-cathode region Working point
He/CO2 (90%/10%) Example of the spectra ( 55 Fe) Gas gain vs. voltage applied to the mesh Voltages at the cathode and both side of the Gem were equal
Spectra in HE/CO2 mixture Parameters of interaction X-Ray Fe55 (E=5.9 keV) He comparative Ar Ar Photoabsorption cross section σ ph =280.2 cm^2/g Compton cross section σ c = cm^2/g K1 =3.206 keV Mean Energy for ion pair production w i =26 eV He Photoabsorption cross section σ ph = cm^2/g Compton cross section σ c = cm^2/g K1=24.6 eV Mean Energy for ion pair production wi=41 eV So for He compton scattering probability is comparable with that for photoionisation and full absorption peak is not so pronounced as in Ar.
Example of the spectra ( 55 Fe) Gas gain vs. voltage applied to the Gem. Voltages at the mesh was equal 400 V He/CO2 (90%/10%)
Gas gain is not a problem and we can have it as high as we want. Use of 3 component gas mixture with small portion (~ 5%) of isobutane gives about two order for gas gain in He at the same voltage. Using isobutane in working gas mixture should considerably put down working voltage to make lower discharge energy
Scheme for work with β-source ( 90 Sr) 200 μ of FR4 +18 μ of Cu Stainless steel mesh of 60 μ cell And 30 μ wire 400 μ of FR4 Plastic scintillators Result of GEANT simulation
Efficiency estimation Real value of efficiency will be received with beam test
Discharge probability estimation He/CO2 (90%/10%) 55 Fe (5∙10 3 counts/s) + β-source 90 Sr (3∙10 4 counts/s) Spark probability was estimated as ratio of spark number ( count of the signals laying above some high threshold) to number of total counts
Summary ● It was assembled prototypes of MICROMEGAS, GEM, and MICROMEGAS+GEM detectors ● Prototypes were tested with radioactive sources 55 Fe and 90 Sr using Ar/CO2 and He/CO2 gas mixtures ● Gas gain, efficiency and discharge probability estimations were obtained ● From our point combined MICROMEGAS+GEM version is good candidate for MUCH base detector ● Some practical technological requirements and approaches for designing and assembling the beam test prototypes were found
Plans for next year ● Variety of mesh geometry ● Three component gas mixture ● Designing and assembling two prototypes for beam test – MICROMEGAS only, MICROMEGAS+GEM ● Preparing to the beam test