The temperatures in Harbin, China, are often as low as minus 40°C and remain over a half year under the freezing point. But the people of Harbin have turned this disadvantage into an advantage. This city -- located in Chinese Manchuria, northwest of Vladivostok in Siberia -- is home of the annual Harbin International Ice and Snow Sculpture Festival, which has been held since 1963, interrupted for a number of years during the Cultural Revolution until it was resumed in 1985.
Sculpting teams come from all over the world to participate: Russia, Japan, Canada, France and even South Africa. And the festival has grown into a massive event, to which millions of tourists come from the ends of the earth.
The greatest achievements begin with one person’s vision becoming shared by many.
Achievements begin with hard lumps.
People who work out of love and inspiration will always out-achieve those who work out of force or necessity.
You will achieve more and be happier in your own life if you follow your own dreams. Have a vision for your own future.
Great achievement always requires ‘delayed gratification’ -- sacrifice now for something greater in the future.
One lesson of the current ‘Great Recession’ is that society as a whole suffers when too many people try to borrow from tomorrow for today.
When ‘I’ becomes more important than ‘we.’
And when personal gratificationtakes priority over ethics and integrity in business and in our personal lives. And when personal gratification takes priority over ethics and integrity in business and in our personal lives.
But before we can lead others we must first rule ourselves. True nobility is achieved in servant- leadership, when the ‘greatest of all’ make themselves ‘last of all and servant of all.’
We must discover who we are inside. We must believe in ourselves. A positive attitude correlates much more highly with success in life than a high GPA.
We must accept our ‘response-ability’ – our unique human ability to determine our response no matter the stimuli or circumstances of our lives.
We must also recognize our infinite potential within.
The human brain is the greatest computer ever ‘invented,’ yet scientists say we use less than 10% of it. What if we could tap 100%?
Our capabilities would increase not tenfold but rather a thousandfold. I’m here to help you tap into your infinite potential.
Yet it ultimately takes synergy (people working together) to make something really special occur.
No one can do it alone.
Together we can reach the stars!
Think ‘win-win.’ We succeed only to the degree that we help others succeed.
Then when we add the light of inspiration…
… something truly miraculous can occur.
Don’t look back when you’re old and say: ‘I could have done great things if only I weren’t so busy doing little things.’
Ask yourself: ‘What one thing could I be doing differently now that would make all the difference?’
Don’t let the things that truly matter be sacrificed to the gods of self-indulgence OR triviality -- demands of life that have little enduring importance.
Plan your path to greatness. Adapt as needed... …but never, ever give up.
Figure out your life’s mission – and always keep the No. 1 thing the No.1 thing.
Your voyage won’t always be smooth, but keep focused on the star that leads to your lifetime goals.
Plan each step, and keep climbing one small step after another. And if you fall, pick yourself up and start again.
Along the way, be genuine. Share your inner self with others.
Be brave within yourself and encouraging to others around you.
Have empathy for others. Truly listen and feel their needs as your own. Lead by example, and serve with love.
And, ultimately, our greatest joys in life will be in the relationships we build with those who journey with us.
All of our achievements will be meaningless if we end our journey all alone.
Smile a lot. Truly appreciate all the blessings of life.
Enjoy your journey.
But particularly enjoy the people who make the journey with you.
And in the end…
…you will have no regrets.
You will have bridged the challenges of life together...
…and reached the other side…
…with joy…
…from a life well lived…
…and achievements…
…you cannot now dare dream.
And when the sun sets on this life, somewhere else it will be rising with new joys and new opportunities.